
“but not seeing any mention in your article is surprising.”

Mayweather is going to be pissed once someone reads this to him.

As someone who flies a lot, this is absolutely terrifying. I cant imagine what it would be like inside the cabin.

Another NFL sourced, ESPN hit piece on the Pats. Yawn.

Taping signals was completely legal but yes I’m shocked that another NFL sourced, ESPN hit piece on the Pats left this off.

Completely agreed with you while reading the review - but then I realized that the specs he put in the review are incorrect. I initially read this and though, how can the Note 5 be smaller than my GS5, magic? No - its just that the dimensions in the article are wrong, they were copied from somewhere else.

Eh, in your example, that piece of debris - a tire - would instead bounce off the driver’s head and do the exact same thing. I think I’d take my chances in said example that the catch fence would catch the tire and the driver would be spared.

I knew I read something wrong when the specs said it was smaller than my S5. The Note 5 dimensions in your chart on the bottom are wrong. Might be worth checking the rest on the offchance it was copy/pasted from somewhere else.

I love when he’s finished refueling how he looks left and right like he’s backing his Honda out of a parking spot at the grocery store...

Yeah I was wondering if this is becoming more of a Gillette model. Sure we’ll sell you a $10 razor but the profit is going to be in foreverandever selling you the blades.

Nothing is worse than going to a restaurant and the waiter brings out a piping hot basket of delicious rolls...and a *frozen* ramekin of butter. WTF? How can restaurant owners be that insane? On more than one occassion my wife has held it near/over a candle on the table.

This was my point as well. Been with them for 11 years and am still on their Everything Data plan (unlimited data/text/450 talk minutes) for $69/mo. Verizon doesn’t have anything near that cost. Am I going to dump them just to avoid paying for a phone? Probably not. My initial guess - without seeing any costs at all -

Alright I’ll actually go against the grain and say that for the most part, I’ve been a happy Sprint customer for going on 11 years. IMO their unlimited everything plan is the best deal going right now especially if you are a heavy data user. No complaints from me.

Have hiked small pieces of the Appalachian Trail before and have seen singles hiking with tiny speakers just because of the bears. Nothing huge, just enough to announce that they are coming. After all, last thing you want to do is come around a corner and find yourself between a mom and her cubs and especially in

Criminally understarred.

The fact that it was recently reported that there is potentially a small group of owners lobbying to keep Brady’s suspension makes this even more interesting. Brady’s legal team would certainly want to parade some of them onto the stand to talk about....whatever. This is really a nightmare scenario for the NFL. Brady

It rained this morning on my way to work. -naturally there were 2 different accidents along my 4 mile commute. I know most people think that residents of the DMV exagerate about how bad traffic is but I can assure you - you do not want the Olympics here.

I know people get tired of hearing it but Dempsey and Bradley have not improved since leaving their European teams and coming back to MLS. Honestly it was tough to tell Dempsey was even in the game last night. Bradley was the best of the bunch but man that is starting to be a lower and lower bar to clear.

This will not get the +1’s it rightfully deserves...

But he has already been labeled as a cheater, you already think he’s a cheater or you don’t. The ruling that the commissioner makes, the number of games he serves or doesn’t - has absolutely no effect on that.