
So bye bye Let’s Remember Some Guys”

apparently for the upcoming season of LCU, the team went 2-8. 

sounds like you have NO cadillacs tbh

I would say the gap is pretty big even between NFL and MLB. You could argue Khalil Mack is the reason the Bears made the playoffs. On the other hand, Mike Trout is on his way to becoming one of the best baseball players ever and the Angels suck total ass. 

lol the seattle seabeaners

since 2010, probably longer than you’ve known many close friends

Then there’s this take, which is probably very accurate:

Who has opposable thumbs and enjoys milking nipples all day?

I think most NBA teams would rather he “quit” and save himself for a long, marketable future in the NBA than play a few more bullshit games for the horny NCAA

Place your bets:
“I have black friends.” - 1/2
“I was hacked.” - 1/2
“I’m being silenced/targeted by the liberal media.” - 4/5
“I’m a young, dumb kid and didn’t really mean those things.” - 3/1
“I was kidding.” / “It was satire.” - 4/1
“I’m being quoted out of context.” - 5/1
“I was drunk.” - 7/1
“Fuck yeah, I’m racist. White

“Hasn’t performed when it mattered most” is the most low-effort bullshit criticism of pro athletes.

Sure, and everyone else is now equipped to make an informed decision about giving the guy any money, now that his opinions are known. 

The news of the day was that your father was outed as a racist though.

It isn’t about “rich vs rich,” it’s “generational wealth in the billions” vs first-time rich guys with a limited earning period. It’s about these billions of dollars coming into MLB and being kept by the billionaires instead of distributed to the talent.

You’ve got a point. I guess what I can’t get past is Costas having an issue with the NFL as far back as 1993, only to return to being a central character in the league’s biggest regular production a dozen years later—a job he then continued to do for a decade before deciding he’d had enough.

Hahahahahahahahahaha. Fuck developers. They make lawyers look nice and honest.

I’m still about 50/50 on when I click reply and Kinja either lets me reply, or endlessly loops me back to the top of the article. It’s great. 

I’m a probate attorney and deal with real estate agents on the regular.  They really are as dumb as you think.

I’d just like to take the opportunity in this relatively early-on comments section that whoever broke Kinja in the last few days to make articles keep bouncing back up to the top a few seconds after loading them should be beaten with lead pipes without mercy until they fix it.

With the current Long Island City real estate market being what it is, I’m sure they’ll survive.