
How does a baseball game take this long without Joe West being involved?

And to think, you still had a better night than Ted Cruz.

There is no “clean” HR record, really. Maris’ 61 was set in an expansion year and with a 162 game season. Bonds was set in the PED era. Ruth played against only white players, plus god knows what Ruth was on, besides hot dogs, hookers, and scotch.

To be fair, Lalas quit playing on a middling European side for a big MLS payday before it was cool.

WTF does that have to do with anything?

Dude can’t win. He gets called a homer for not criticizing and when he does he hears this garbage.

He has people skills! He’s good at dealing with people! Can’t you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?!

Doesn’t GarField hate dogs, though? Or is that just Odie?

Fun Fact.

Look, why do we have to fight like this? Can’t we just take a break, sit back, and enjoy this NBA Jam Simulator for what it is?

+1 Cre’Von LeBlanc

The Next Matt Stares

At this point, I don’t know why opposing teams don’t just plan throwback jersey games every time the Sox are in town. Based on past history, that’s a good way to avoid a Sale start.

any ace who goes over to New York or Boston just looks like a fucking soulless merc.

the Briles hiring reeked of mutual desperation

To be fair, nobody expected anybody in America (or Canada, for that matter) to pay attention to the CFL. Martin Shkreli has been the starting QB for the Argos for the last 2 seasons.

Citi Field definitely retired Jason Bae.

I hear ya. Citi is so much > new Yankee Stadium. It’s not even close.

I read that as “go on a sub,” and thought “too soon, mate, too soon.”