

the browns need a new qb

1:45 is one of my favorites too. “Give ‘im the stic- DONT GIVE IM THE STICK!”

“Hey kids get the fuck off my lawn...”

Pork chop sandwiches!

I thought this was a politics site?

The best part of these letters is that, for the most part, they serve to show how deeply our public servants care about the cause for which they serve. These people are speaking anonymously and thus have little reason to lie, and what I get from reading these pieces is the terror that Trump will undo the work they’ve

Gronk: “What’s wrong with it?”

Can we move on from the pats and deflating already?

This election. Now W is being seen as good and honorable. And by comparison he probably is.

Definitely Thai. Green or Panang are the peak curries.

What do the Indians have to do with this?

Please stay on topic in Jaguars Junction.

...says the guy who’s never seen the Chicago River.

“Pfffttt! We didn’t have to do anything to make ours brown.”

aka “first”

Plus, Red Sox fans don’t have anyone there to tell them to settle the fuck down, that’s where us White Sox fans come in.

No one hates the Cubs more than I do, but christ, just let them have their fun for another day before going on seemingly pointless rants about how they may or may not end up like Boston fans. As Barry said, they get until their parade and then they can go fuck themselves (paraphrasing).

Last night was such a bittersweet for my family. This is what I posted last night.