
I have done this. I regen braked going downhill on my chevy bolt while my battery showed full range. That is because manufacturers don’t actually let the cars charge to 100 percent using a charger. What they say is 100 percent is actually closer to 90 percent of the batteries full capacity. They tend to cap it 90

Ahhh, yes. The joy of finding the smallest mistake on someone’s internet post and then putting them on blast like they punched your grandma.

What? This basically states the RZ is slower by more than twice as much than the Cybertruck. I’m pretty sure the real story here is how bad the RZ is.

I think that house is haunted.

I don’t know about that, he could be knocked out when he hit the pole and his foot was resting on the pedal. Also, the LA Times is reporting the driver is 22 years old. I know not evey 22 year old is in peak physical health, but there has been a string of incidents lately where young men in their 20s violently

You absolutely must blame California’s high cost of living. The rent prices are atrocious, the energy costs are rising for both electricity and gas, the produce costs increased more than 50 percent in the last two years, and the income tax is nearly highest in the country. If your income is less than 80k in LA county

You mean like an alcoholic telling their naive child to blow into a device the child has no idea what it is for?

By not regularly changing the steering wire fluid, duh!

Yep. The BRZ is 500-700 lbs lighter depending on options, has 2 less driven wheels, has less hp and much less torque, and still gets the same fuel economy as the new WRX.

The other guy threw a water bottle. I once got caught for littering a coke can and ended up with a $800 fine and 8 hour community service, I never littered again. At least most of this guys bullet stayed in his car. Let's think of the children when we throw recyclables in rage. 

You think they knowingly hired racists to work in a foreign car dealership? Sorry to break this to you, but people lie in interviews. 

The cars couldn’t stop? Or didn’t want to stop? 

No the I4 model is probably going to top 100k and be a GT4 competitor. Its using the AMG A45 I4 turbo engine to be 400+ hp with DCT only, a NA I4 is not in the works from what I have read.

Swedish Chef: “Her dee ver dee yore.”

She might have not known, but she would’ve qualified for medi-Cal at no cost most likely, which also includes coverage for therapy and medicine. But people don’t realize that severe mental health disorders can only be fixed when the person is willing to do whatever it takes to fix it. Most people I know with some sort

I thought understating the horespower was so they won’t get into a horsepower war with other brands. Nissan might see this car and think they will have the a huge advantage if their next Z had 400hp/400tq, when in reality it’s about the same.

Well the Philippines is currently experiencing one of the worst droughts in history, so this might be somewhat welcoming.

At least the modern buttons aren’t the size of a nipple that requires 10,000 lbs of force to push in. 

reading are overrated.

If a person brags about the performance of their electric car, it’s usually about the 0-60 and quarter mile times.