That’s also my problem with Sanders himself. He won’t do the work. He makes great floor speeches, but hasn’t been willing to do the hard work of coalition building.
That’s also my problem with Sanders himself. He won’t do the work. He makes great floor speeches, but hasn’t been willing to do the hard work of coalition building.
I know I thought I was reading sarcasm until the end too.
That’s awful! Also once every is passed their mid to late 20s age matters so much less.
Yeah. But I don’t believe thinking “How nice for her. I wonder who the dad is. What should I make for dinner tonight?” is really the celebrity gossip problem. :-)
I can believe that. My DC friends were mostly mid to late 30s when the had babies. Or even 40 +.
I’m so sorry about your parents and that you have unsupportive people around.
One of my coworkers had a baby at 28 and she was the youngest mom everywhere see went. The way some people acted you would have thought she was 15.
I think wondering is different from thinking you are entitled to know or actually asking Kaling. I mean I wonder if my sister is planning on having another baby. I just don’t get to wonder it out loud to her or her husband or her three year old.
I’m not arguing that. I’m telling you what *is*. We had a very good City wide non emergency number in 311. If you call that for anything law enforcement related they will connect you to 911. That’s what you call.
More people than you would think. And they aren’t teenagers. They are middle aged adults, not the toddler my coworker watched in college or something who is now 20, but actual grown people.
Yeah, a coworker died of a brain tumor and two years later people keep tagging him on Facebook. Some of it is probably stuff that his wife and siblings might enjoy to some extent like old pictures that someone scanned. Some of it has a self-indulgent quality to it that I hope either doesn’t bother his loved ones or…
Or that lemonade stand is some kind of slang that I as an old do not know.
I’m pretty sure given the years spent as a POW, we’d be picking up the tab for his health care no matter what.
DC seems to want you to call 911 for literally any police matter. They don’t seem to have a non emergency number you can find. You might not like it. I don’t like it. But it’s the way it is.
Some places have actually deactivated non-emergency numbers. DC seems to consider anything worthy of 911. Like a noise complaint or minor theft.
I feel like I’ve stumbled into some alternative universe Jezebel.
Yes. But never as a student.
I’m sorry. I found losing my elderly cat that I’d had my whole adult life one of the hardest things to go through. Watching him fade was the hardest.
The kind who doesn’t read much. She’ll skip over anything “political.” She thinks only bad, hateful people are racist. But she loves Oprah and Will Smith. She didn’t vote for Obama and probably would say he wasn’t a good president, but she’d say something like “ he seemed like he really loved his wife and kids” and…
They’d get shredded in DC