
If the Today Show were smart they’d sack Kelly and give her slot and money to Curry.

I was thinking, this sounds a lot like being married to an alcoholic: his free time planned around one specific activity and becoming angry when he’s asked to stop doing it for even one night; blaming the spouse for her unhappiness and suggesting she’s a nag, or she never lets him have any fun; the disinterest in sex

The fact that this is his problem to fix but she is being told to do all the work blows my fucking mind.

Yep that’s totally the issue here: poor girl is with a guy with no libido and it’s “her fault”. Not sure if proper communication can fix this. Her guy doesn’t give a *#&@.

I feel like this advice is pretty good for the problem of “my husband plays video games too much” and pretty awful for the writer’s actual problem, which is, “my husband doesn’t want to have sex with me.”

Because parked cars are known as great locations to store valuables. Instead of having the package stolen from my doorstep, I can now have my car window smashed before it gets stolen.

To maintain their ranking as happiest nation on Earth

Now playing

Everybody’s posting applicable songs but this key one is missing (not an endorsement):

What, not one comment about Norwegian wood?

Don’t regulate my sexuality.

Yeah, but we JUST got rid of the first kid from her first pregnancy on Homeland.

Look, they make cul-de-sacs for a reason people.

But I can still fuck on a rotary right?

I’m just gonna sit here stunned that Bernie knows who Cardi B even is.

No. They are both owned by different sides of that family.

They are owned by the same family and have been since the 1970s.

Also seen in NYC rent stabilized apartments. This is exactly what landlords do. And they get away with it because it’s perfectly legal.

Why does this irritate me so much? Anderson, be better.

So basically... if a woman wants an abortion it’s completely unacceptable.

Like. I fucking hate these people. I am pro-choice because I hope I never am in a situation where I want or need an abortion. Fuck this guy. Fuck him and everyone who thinks this way.