
So, this person who identifies herself as "Portuguese with some Moor tossed in" thinks that Lila Downs "still has that Mexican vibe" about her but her look is " kinda Pam Anderson". As a Chicana (y'know, one with a mexican vibe) I am totally insulted by this ignorant article. How can I take this seriously if the

the ability to respect different opinions is inversely proportional to the number of patriotic paraphernalia worn

I posted some pictures of the March for Reclaiming the Dream on my tumblr...

psychploitation TV like "Hoarders" "Obsessed" and this new show get us at our voyeuristic worst. This is the worst our culture has to offer. The exploitation of psychological pain so that the viewer can feel better about themselves is a repugnant format of entertainment but it is as old as the hills.

well this member of the cackle of rads who carry satchels of gold refudiates you Sarah!

He can wear mandals whenever he wants! The crazy tea baggers can go suck it!

I absolutely HATE the word when it's used in popular culture. It reinforces the notion that women are creatures defined by their body parts not humans who are complex individuals. What makes me even angrier when other women used it to describe each other.

He's as sophisticated as a mayonnaise white bread sandwich. I HATE him.

@Alex Hauschild: I think the Vietnam era is the least understood period of history in the US. I am really intereste in how the writers will have the characters in the show deal with all the major social shifts that are happening in that period.

@bwilli: one of the best for sure!

@Little Green Frog: Well, this Mexican decided not to have children, but I am one of teh gayz so, I will probably be placed on a bus headed out...