I just read that the actress who played ChaCha is a professor of Chicano Studies at Cal State-Northridge
I just read that the actress who played ChaCha is a professor of Chicano Studies at Cal State-Northridge
I would love to get a pair of blades for my car! Take that drivers on the beltway!
my friends and I tried to duplicate Olivia's accent "hey Rizz, you're going to Thunder Road.." may I say again, I was a total nerd...
stranded at the drive in...branded a fool...what will they say Monday at school...
can i tell you I laugh every single time when Kinckie lifts Patty Simcox's dress!
ABC family censors suck!
@Hortense Smith: sixteen candles!
I had the biggest crush on Olivia Newton John...yes, I am a nerd..
Athletic supporters!
shit..I was 28 in 1996...and I still wasn't having any sex :(
@Island of Misfit Toys: Don's date talked about Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner murders happening, which was in the summer of '64.
We're entering 1965 right? The Beatles, MLK, Vietnam, women's movement are at the horizon....I.CANT.WAIT!!