toss the cellular!
toss the cellular!
the fans look like they just watched "who's that girl"
what a couple of cochons...
never trust a big hat and a smile...
@Rooo sez BISH PLZ: On Her Majesty's Secret Service is one of the underrated Bonds...and one of my favorites..
am i a freak of nature thinking that she looks wonderful?
My 3rd grade teacher (Mrs. Harris) had these awesome cat eye glasses with little diamonds on the corners...she hugged me when I came to school crying b/c the kids made fun of my bespectacled face...she told me that one day glasses will be cool...thanks to Mrs. Harris I am now a proud harlequin playmate in black matte
My brother and I used to quote lines from that movie at random..."Christina, bring me the ax!"....needless to say that my brother and I are gay...
when with djimon figure out that Kimora is "kinda" vacant..
of course i am always late for this party, but after reading some of the past threads..i noticed that trollish behavior is increasing...i wonder if these are plants from certain orgs to help undermine discussion...or maybe i'm a little paranoid...or naive...*shrug*
you can tell Elizabiotch was totally intimidated...look at her face...
that makes my carpet munching heart happy!
@InfiniTrent: don't let the know the rest...
@Jamie Sommers: yeah, he wouldn't shake her hand! But she had the last laugh...Ann Richards rocked my world..i miss her!
@nwporn: how about a shower?
I grew up in a town nearby of Zion...the town was known as KKK territory...
@BScrivner: snob
one benefit of being a zaftig..... no wrinkles on this face!
If you haven't seen the documentary about Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon called No Secret Anymore: The Times of Del Martin and Phyllis it...they are my heros!