@Gumbina80: well said
@Gumbina80: well said
right before father's day...damn, what a loss...i'll never forget the question he asked our presidunce..."do you believe the war in Iraq is a war of choice or a war of necessity...."
will Angie's hotness ever let up! I can't breathe!
"i know how to take a man from a Woo-man....whoooo...hah hah!"
it gets cold in the Escalade!
another reason to hate the lakers...
Thanks everyone for my 15 milliseconds of fame! :)
@Her_royal_Highness: cuz that girl is p-p-poison!
never trust a big butt and a smile....
wow..1982 called..they want their look back
i met rollins in 90 when he was at my local university at a speaking engagement, my friend who organized the event didn't have a car so he asked me to pick him up at the airport. I picked him up in my 82 beat up toyota and my poser heart grew with pride when he called it "punk rock".. we had breakfast and he talked…
i always tear up when the PFLAG contingent walks in the pride parade...they are my heroes..
@amy1971: that was the uniform for 80's lezzies!
mmm...ice cream..
@dcdulce: damn, i can't even spell the joke right! (back to the books)
Abaloid Egend?
@gherkinfiend: bangers and mash!
does she even know who the cramps are?
wow, it's been like almost 30 yrs since i read the book...i think i still have the dogeared paperback somewhere..i have to reread it with adult eyes but with a girl's heart..
i love daria so much! i had a crush on jane...she reminded me of a girlcrush i had (jennifer? are you out there?) *le sigh*