
Short sellers have been bashing TSLA for years, and they have been on losing side of that argument time after time. There have been plenty of them since well before the stock even hit $100 a share. They want bad publicity around the company, so they can stop getting burned on their bad investments.

I own a Nissan Leaf and from what I understand electric cars are more environmentally friendly after you reach a certain number of miles. An extra bonus with electric cars, there’s virtually no maintenance! No filers, hoses, spark plugs, belts, oil, pumps, alternators, starters, coils, injectors, transmission fluid or

No one has yet to convince me that these vehicles are any better for the environment that ICE vehicles.

To really go all invisible hand, we’d have to get in a time machine and stop a century plus of oil and extractive subsidies.

Then let’s also cut oil subsidies and let the invisible hand of the market pick who survives.

It seems like you think your experience with an electric car battery will be like your experience with cell phone batteries, that is simply not accurate.

No, but he’s allocating the former EV credit funds into further research and development into “““clean coal”””.

Funny how so many apologists keep parroting on about “why didn’t these women say anything sooner?”, and apart from the fact that there are a million valid reasons that most victims don’t come forward at the time, there’s also the fact that actually a lot of them did and were utterly ignored because no one gave a shit

“I’m thankful for Robert Mueller.”

“inadequate labeling of potentially hazardous substances”

As long as we also end corn subsidies, funding to the Middle East to stabilize oil production, and tax breaks for oil companies I’m ok with this too.

prove it. once a bev is built its use of fossil fuels is done. renewables are a larger source of power generation every year. some people like me are on 100% solar plans. you could theoretically power your bev using only energy generated at your own house. ice will always need to feed the machine through drilling

With an EV somebody will plug AC into DC or vice versa and blow it all to hell and gone. (And yes, I know that’s not how it works, but whenever something foolproof comes along, along comes an improved fool.)

Honestly David, this is part of why you’re one of my favorites around here. And that’s saying something.

You’re right. I’ll fix that. It’s not the motor’s inertia that slows the car down.

Yes, an electric motor can apply force while it isn’t moving, whereas an internal combustion engine can’t. That’s why starter motors are a thing.

One of 36 ring tones.

Who needs a radio when you can listen to that sweet exhaust note.

Hmmm. I see renewables etc mentioned several times, which is great, I’m referring to the power plants themselves though. Rereading and I still don’t see anything mentioned towards that front.

Missing from the overall picture given here: as the overall power grid becomes cleaner over time (older dirty plants replaced or upgraded etc), EVs benefit immediately- no retrofit needed.