
Don’t car dealerships know we have the internet now? It is time to stop being shady bags of crap! I guess it is a Honda so maybe they are willing to trade the bad press online to get the Honda bros in the door to look at a car they can’t get financing for? Interesting strategy Cotton, let’s see how it works out for

I’m with you most of the way but I disagree on the focus on styling vs tech differentiation because all motors are basically the same bit.

Pay per use at a supercharging station is still a benefit over not having a place to charge at all besides your house (for most people living in most of the country).

Because the Bolt is less attractive to look at, and the infrastructure for recharging isn’t as good. That’s two reasons.

Looks. The Model 3 is a good looking car whereas the Bolt looks like a freezer that escaped from the basement.

Dear Republicans,

I’d love to know how many Tesla worker complaints are real and how many are stirred up shit created by UAW sympathizers and those pushing a unionized environment by any means possible.

Things don’t look good for FCA in particular. The company recently killed off two mid-sized sedans—the Chrysler 200 and the Dodge Dart—and seem to be focusing on selling large trucks and SUVs.

Probably easy to get used to once you actually sit in the car.

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?

Neutral: Will New Vehicle Sales Cool Off In 2017?

bad karma, bro.

“take off ur cardigan... take off ur second cardigan”

So do I have to replace Hangouts with Allo on my phone? But I want the chats on my phone to be the same chats on my desktop, and I want backups saved and searchable.

When someone brings up PC-culture as a refutation, it’s always the final square of Asshole Bingo. His refutation points more to the fact that he’s totes okay with Affleck because he doesn’t see anything wrong with behaving like Affleck, than to whatever point he was trying to make (we’re all so mean? I dunno).

Good article. Even the most obtuse Trump supporter should be able to rationalize that Russia didn’t seek to influence this election in order to ensure that the strongest candidate won. They wanted (and got) the naive, exploitable guy.

That headline makes it sound as though the Feds are laying blame on Tesla (as in, they knew, but didn’t do anything), when in fact they acknowledged that Tesla did some due diligence to avoid/mitigate foreseeable issues. So maybe a bit hyperbolic/clickbaity on the headline there?

Honestly.. it sucks for the victim, and the family.. but the burden should not YET be put on the car. as long as there is a steering wheel and pedals, the burden should be put on the driver IMO

So, stage fright. The car had stage fright.

The Xenon thrusters will also tend to blind oncoming satellites, prompting them to flash their own thrusters in retaliation, which could potentially set off a “Space Rage” War.