
Oh no, you’re definitely right. The Model 3 is obviously a more expensive car than the Civic in all regards, but its total cost of ownership is going to be lower than a comparable car such as a BMW or Mercedes because of fuel and maintenance savings.

Power plants are 60-70% efficient. Gas cars are about 20% at best. Your example is a coal-fired plant, the dinosaur of energy production. The grid gets greener every year, and thus EVs do as well. Not so for gas cars.

Toyota is very much against EVs. As are must of Japan’s manufacturers. Toyota’s ridiculous ads that vilify EVs are a good example.

I save about $70/month having switched from a 2009 Civic Si to a Model 3, and I don’t even drive that much. Also, no maintenance, no oil changes. Just tires.

You think the price of gas in the USA isn’t subsidized? Or the auto industry as a whole?

“This 15 year old electric technology isn’t perfected like my 100 year old combustion technology, it’s crap!” -people that don’t get it or don’t want to get it

People miss that part all the time - that, as energy gets greener, so do EVs. In 10 years my Tesla will be greener than it is today.

Even EVs charging on pure coal are more environmental than most gas cars, and the grid is getting greener and greener meaning EVs will get greener and greener. Can’t say that about gas cars which are only about 20% efficient whereas power plants are about 60-70% efficient.  Electric is better in virtually every way,

It’s just weird that so many people can just ignore the fact that 99.999% of environmental scientists say we *have* to get off of oil soon or we’re going to royally screw up our planet. Like, it’s just too inconvenient or something?

What about all those non-trash articles from scientists that say we have to get off of oil and fix our ways in the next 10-15 years or suffer catastrophic consequences? Too inconvenient I guess? Or is there a similar cult on the gas side that’s good at denial?

The only sensible choice is getting off of oil 100%. Do people not hear scientists telling us we have a grave issue that has to be solved in the next 10-15 years? Is it just too inconvenient to bother with?

The propaganda is strong with this one. Your numbers about EVs are dead wrong. Even in West Virginia an EV powered by coal is more environmental than a gas car, and remember: power grids are getting greener and greener and thus EVs are too. Check out Wait But Why’s article on Tesla and EVs for a better understanding

It’s like iPhone vs. Vertu - iPhone redefined what luxury meant.  I’ll take what a Tesla is over what a Mercedes is any day.

Production, no. Deliveries to US, yes. They’re focusing on Europe and China now. A lot of people forget that there’s a whole other world out there past the borders of the US, and they want the Model 3 too.

You’d be surprised how many are new orders. Those people that are using their referrals to get free Roadsters are for new orders, not waitlist orders.

There’s many ways to drive dangerously, this is just yet another way. Let's have perspective - sleeping while on Autopilot isn't in the top 10 causes for wrecks, no matter how wrong it is. 

Luckily their service centers are designed to be zero profit.  In other words, Tesla doesn’t want to make the majority of their money on servicing unreliable cars, like Volkswagen.  This ensures that parts are reliable, because Tesla loses money servicing them.

Why are car enthusiasts seemingly blind when it comes to car emissions and what it does to the environment?

Yes, using nation-wide averages I assume.  They’re talking about the gas savings, so gas is factored in.

3-6 Months.