
Thank you. The amount of disinformation out there about electric cars is insane. The propaganda machine is real.

Do you drive 310 miles a day? Likely not. It’s there for trips. Electric cars are operated differently than gas cars. When you’re on a trip in a gas car, you drive until you need gas, fill up and keep going. In a Tesla, this is not the case. You charge to 100% the night before at home, then tell your car where you’re

All correct with one addition - urban Superchargers (the ones that are slightly less powerful) are made for constant use by people that live in a city but don’t have access to overnight charging.

There’s a cleaning mode to wipe it down, and you don’t see the streaks when the screen is on - just off when you aren’t in the car anyway.

They can sell if for that price when the economies of scale allow them to. In order to make a profit on the $35k model, they need to have high production rates - which they’re ramping to now.

They sure will, in 4-6 months and that number keeps dropping on Tesla’s website.

Someday in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future, we’ll realize that the entire UI of the car is on that screen for the same reason Apple eschewed buttons in favor of putting everything in the screen of the iPhone. Why? Future upgradeability and maximum versatility. UI problem in a BMW? You’re screwed. UI problem in

$84/mo via Ameriprise with Costco. In Texas, no less. For my Model 3. 

This can also be caused by the front axle being wider than the back, which some trucks have/used to have.  Our ‘87 Suburban had that.

The new Pixel Watch that’s rumored to be coming out this fall. Otherwise, I have a Ticwatch and, for the price, has been great - but it likely won’t get this new WearOS update any time soon, if at all. The Pixel Watch won’t suffer from late/non-existent updates.

Yet Texas firmly insists that cars have to be sold through a dealership to protect the customer and won’t allow Tesla direct sales.  Yea.....

In response to Kristen Lee’s comment about the white interior not lasting, countless drivers of Model S and Model X with white interiors say that it holds up shockingly well.  A couch is not a car.

The i3 is an ugly derp-box because BMW wasn’t fully invested in electric and only made that car to satisfy lawmakers. Make it ugly and it won’t compete with their bread-n-butter 3-Series.

You get what you pay for, and this is coming from an Android guy.  An iPhone may be pricey, but they update devices for *years* after the sale.  They really do support their products.

Hating EVs and their owners is also a first world problem.  It’s also rampant on this blog.

Driving any manual in dead-stop traffic sucks. {leers at Civic Si in driveway} Can’t wait to get my Model 3.

That was a pretty smug comment, there.  Maybe you should put that stone down.

EVs have a trick up their sleeve - the interior is typically larger than you expect because there’s no engine in the front.  The Bolt is a good example.  It’s downright cavernous inside compared to it’s appearance.

I’m replacing my white ‘09 Civic Si sedan with a Model 3 shortly. Good riddance to my oil burning, CMC-destroying, dino juice drinking relic. Also, I should have *never* bought a manual while living in Austin. Dallas was fine, but it’s just awful here in never-ending traffic.

Emissions control is like putting lipstick on a pig.  We have to stop burning oil entirely, and they all know it - they just refuse because money.