
Another issue we’re going to have in the USA is charger standardization. In Europe (the EU) they solved this very early and require all EVs to have a standard charger port. Even Teslas have the same charger as everyone else over there, as opposed to the proprietary one they have here. I understand why Teslas are

1. A quazi-positive review of an electric car from Jalopnik - I’m impressed.

If it’s anything but a battery powered car, you’re not paying attention to scientists.

In the Tesla. That company’s stated goal is far, far better than VW’s or anyone else’s. Their stated goal is also why they’re compared unfavorably to other companies. They’re not in it just for profit. It’s down to whether you want to give your business to a company that’s trying to save the world, or a company that

Imagine how awesome this article would be if it was talking about a battery-powered car with autonomous/safety tech instead?

Diesel needs to go away world-wide. I’m fine with this despite VW’s kinda selfish reasons for finally coming forward with this opinion.

Fear not, it will die as gasoline is replaced by electric.

Massive amounts of instant power, massive tires for a huge amount of grip, an engine that puts out 100% of its torque at 0 RPM and doesn’t require shifting, precise control of wheel slip.

Dumb? You guys won’t like anything unless it’s spewing pollution out a tailpipe, huh?

Oil and gas are *heavily* subsidized, in the tune of tens of billions of dollars per year, so there’s that. Also, when a product a company makes kills tens of thousands of people per year, there’s typically a penalty if not a complete outlawing of said product. Gas car companies enjoy selling millions of units a year

Oil and gas are *heavily* subsidized, in the tune of tens of billions of dollars per year, so there’s that. Also, when a product a company makes kills tens of thousands of people per year, there’s typically a penalty if not a complete outlawing of said product. Gas car companies enjoy selling millions of units a year

I’m a big Android fan, but I wouldn’t recommend Apple users switch because of a couple of bugs. Because, I mean, they’d just move over to Android’s silly little bugs.

The EV incentive was designed to help them enter the market and become competitive, then go away. The price of batteries, by-far the largest cost of an EV, are going down every year and will eventually make EVs cheaper than ICE cars so the incentive isn’t necessary anymore. The reason the incentive was initially

At first blush, it seems like electric cars have an unfair advantage with this subsidy. But if you look into the ways that gas-powered cars are subsidized, it makes sense to help out the EVs in their attempt to clean up our planet. I mean, gas-powered cars and their emissions are attributed to tens of thousands of

“I plugged my car into another car and they both caught on fire. I blame the car manufacturers.”

These are typical articles you find on the internet designed to spin the truth and put questions in people’s heads. They’re misleading and typically written by people with little actual knowledge on the subject.

Teslas that have been on the road since 2012 have negligible battery degradation that levels off to around 1% or less per year. Estimates are that a BEV’s battery can last 20 years or longer, and the motor up to a million miles. Where are you getting that it lasts less long than an ICE? The very reason BEVs are so

This is the long-game that people don’t understand, or don’t want to understand. Add in that all those rare metals are recyclable from old BEV cars and you have a much, much more sustainable economy than with ICE cars.

Of course they do, but in far different ways. They don’t pollute the atmosphere with CO2 nearly as much or at all (depending on what type of power plant that charges your car). The total lifetime of an electric car pollutes much less than a gas car, and it will only get better as more power is derived from renewable

That’s not right at all. ICE are about 20-25% efficient. An electric car is about 98% efficient and the power plant that supplies it electricity is probably 60-70% efficient.