Maybe you guys with phones other than a Galaxy Nexus can coax a good picture out of that app. On the GN, the hardware absolutely kills picture quality. Who cares if I can take a shot quickly if 99% of the time, that shot is washed out and blurry?
Maybe you guys with phones other than a Galaxy Nexus can coax a good picture out of that app. On the GN, the hardware absolutely kills picture quality. Who cares if I can take a shot quickly if 99% of the time, that shot is washed out and blurry?
I'd sure miss being able to turn my phone to 2G on T-Mobile to use it during super-busy events in Austin like SXSW, ACL and this past weekend's Kite Festival. 2G is a life saver!
Well, it's likely that they are going to target areas that have a bandwidth issue before they dismantle their rural 2G networks.
Companies always become their own worst enemy. Of course, Apple is likely laughing all the way to the bank, being that conformity makes much more money than diversity because people that conform feel like they're special.
But those PC's are hardly all look-alikes compared to the ocean of aluminum Macs out there in all the 'trendy' places.
As a Giz reader, surely you would be the slightest bit annoyed for spending up to $300 on a phone that is outdated by its own manufacturer in a matter of months? And it also dooms your phone to never getting updated in a timely fashion. It's just bad business.
10 is about six or seven too many. Put out three models, low medium and high, and maybe one with a keyboard for people that still don't get how to use a touch screen. Make them the best phones you can, and update them religiously for the 2 years people have a contract. That way, the buyer will WANT to buy your…
So you're saying that carriers aren't responsible or partly responsible for OEM's flood of devices? I have to disagree. And I'd rather have a quality device that gets timely updates than 'exactly what I want' that turns out to not be exactly what I want because it's flimsy, never updated and replaced by a 'better'…
.....sooooo does this mean that Sprint is releasing 10 new Android phones in 2012? Jesus, guys, less is more. Maybe you should focus on quality rather than flooding the market with crap that gets outdated within months or weeks and lags horribly in being updated.
All good. Cyanogen actually uses ADW Launcher, rather than stock launcher. It is, otherwise, pretty stock (with useful mods).
I personally think that iOS's UI is a bit simple to effectively be a desktop... Merely grafting it onto OSX is not working. Metro on Windows is brilliant, and powerful from what I can see so far. Love it. They are obviously not just grafting Windows Phone onto Windows 8.
I am a picky guy, and must say that the screen-based buttons haven't tripped me up at all. Hope they work for you too!
Tried Android 4.0? I usually had a 3rd party launcher on my phone until Android 4.0.
The buttons on the Galaxy Nexus (on-screen) are pretty nice. Big, responsive... Hopefully HTC's will be the same.
You say 'slick' for the iPhone, and I say kinda boring. I much prefer what Android's homescreens can do to my iPad's. It's a little simple for my taste. On the other hand, I absolutely despise skinned Android. It's unnecessary at this point, and just slows down future updates to the phone.
Not entirely shocking as OEMs announced last year that they'd begin unlocking bootloaders, yet some phones on some carriers remain locked.
The obvious solution to this war in the Comments is to simply have both phones with you at all times. That way you always get the result you want on at least one.
What version of Android? Or maybe it was Verizon or Moto that got it wrong?
Just because you don't include Leap Year into your '12 doesn't mean the rest of us should follow suit. ;-)
Stop releasing so much shit, focus on two or three products AT MOST, give them all your attention design-wise and update the shit out of them in a very timely manner. This is how you win over my purchase. This million devices left to die in the wilderness strategy is ridiculous.