
It does LTE.... but does it do CDMA, GSM, both? How many bands does this baby handle?

Probably because their REV A network was severely lagging with no opportunity to viable grow in speed without true 4G technology. That, and they're WAY ahead of the game now. For once, the US is 1st with mobile technology, and it's even a global standard to boot.

Most asteroids are very weakly held together by gravity. Pushing on them may break them up.

...is this worth transitioning from Snow Leopard.... Hmmm. My iMac doesn't have a touch screen. We'll see.

Here you go. It deals directly with what you're trying to argue.

I can deny it, because Apple wasn't the first to do it. They were simply the first to do it well. Then the copying commenced... but that still doesn't mean they were first, and that also doesn't mean that Apple is the sole owner of a 'design' until the end of time. That's silly. If 'designs' couldn't be repeated

...so because you believe Apple invented the slate phone and tablet concept out of thin air, they and they only have the right to sell this particular design until the end of time? I won't even get into the many movie/TV/real tablet designs that are virtually identical to the iPad that predate it by decades... nor

Some people are the type that lose things. Unfortunately those people are also the type not to think "I should leave this bag at the office because I'm about to drink all night" before going out. Sad panda.

Agreed. I would KILL for an app that could send my Spotify music to Airplay devices.

Stating that Android was an idea stolen from Apple and then not giving credit to all of the ideas that were borrowed to create the iPhone is a little weak. I prefer to live in a world that did not begin, technologically, in 2007.

Does the word "exciting" ever come up in the design rooms at Acura/Honda? It's like, ever since they discontinued the S2000, they discontinued my will to care about their new designs (and I used to be such a fanboy).

It's Webkit, like Safari, but wasn't fully Chrome until now. Odd they didn't tuck that into the ICS framework on launch. Would have been a great talking point after mentioning the 5mp camera.... heh

This is what I've been waiting for. Now my porn at home will automatically embarrass the shit out of me when I open Chrome on my phone in public!

You'd think Apple, how it views itself, would not censor anything.

Course, it gets more complicated because, while Verizon uses CDMA, so does T-Mobile technically, although it's a bit different. GSM networks that are 3G use Wideband CDMA, with similar efficiencies and tower handoff technologies. The 3G technology is more modern and way more battery friendly obviously.

This is totally going to be the next port for the iOS device. Let's hope there's an adapter!

Um, BB? Android already copied Apple. You're so unoriginal!

My Verizon Nexus (that I returned due to horrible 3G reception and voice quality) didn't seem to ever get better...or it was so bad I didn't notice. But my GSM Nexus on T-Mobile did get much better about 3-4 days in. Battery life is superb on the GSM Nexus. I can go all day long easily, and on standby, it sucks

So the Galaxy Nexus and the Droid Charge have virtually identical innards, Radio-wise. Why is the Nexus SO BAD at battery life? It can't be the processor, as the GSM one is quite good at battery life. And as for screens, I would assume the the PenTile Nexus and RGB Charge have similar numbers of AMOLEDs within each

You've got a point.