
Now all they need to do is update the butt-ugly Android app to match the features of the iOS app (ability to view friend's playlists, anyone?). After all, we're paying the same price for the service, shouldn't we get the same features? Hell, my friend's Western Digital streaming box on his TV has that option!

And heart... Yea, heart's currently a tree.

I think you're missing the root problem: too many products period. If it's called the Galaxy, don't rename it the Fascinate. Don't update the product so often that users feel constantly outdated. That's not going to help anyone or drive customer loyalty. Also, have a unified scheme for your products to

Just like T-Mobile and AT&T blocked Wallet on their version of the Nexus S. The reason Sprint's Nexus S 4G is the only phone that has it is because they are not a part of the Isis consortium. This isn't new, but somehow is being presented as such.

The way iOS is designed, by default, disallows the deep integration that Siri would benefit from. Just like on Android you can pretty much send things to Dropbox from anywhere, yet can't on iOS because of limited app to app access, Siri is locked in her own little sandbox with no one to play with.

I'm going to laugh if the Nexus S gets ICS in the USA before we even get the Galaxy Nexus. Google/Verizon royally botched this release and there's really no excuse.

What does RAM have to do with this test? The Nexus has more RAM because Android actually uses it. iOS gets by fine with what it has and it certainly wouldn't change the outcome of this test. Also, the A5 is 1ghz on the iPad 2, and 800mhz on the iPhone, from what I've read. The Nexus, at 1.2ghz, still isn't as fast

Hardware bugs can't be fixed with a software patch. There are videos of other phones being placed next to the Nexus while on a data call in 2G causing the same problem. Sounds an awful like hardware to me....

Too bad, I really love Spotify. Hope everyone works this mess out and we all walk hand-in-hand into the digital, streaming future.

Actually TI's chipsets (Nexus) typically aren't as fast, gigahertz being equal, than the Samsung Exynos or Apple A5 processor, which are very similar. So I am very surprised to see this result.

I don't play games on my phone, so this test is actually more relevant to me.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE T-Mobile. They're one of my favorite providers and they are 42mbps here in Austin. BUT, they do use a frequency that no one else of consequence on the entire planet uses for their 3G/HSPA service and are unfortunately not large enough subscriber-wise to motivate the likes of Apple to

The original Droid has a roughly 500mhz processor compared to my Evo's 1ghz one. It is about as powerful as an iPhone 3G. (not 3Gs). I am not surprised that it slows down a lot. Android is also capable of handling quite a bit of multitasking which is why its specs are typically higher than a comparable iPhone's.

Wow, that's amazing! One niggle though: Why does everyone replace the otherwise relevant sounds of the actual video with their favorite heavy metal/electric guitar/man singing song? I'd rather just listen to the natural sound in the video, or replace it with my own music on my computer by muting the video.

Sorry, every major carrier but T-Mobile because of their weird-ass 1700mhz 3G that no one else on the planet uses therefore they'd be building in a feature for just one tiny carrier. There. :-)

Had an iPhone for a year. My Evo's maps are actually faster at zooming because they're vectored graphics that are cached. No waiting on the network to zoom. And my browser is slightly laggy compared to my iPad, but the iPad has a dual core processor and many other improvements to my Evo. I will agree with you in

Mr. Duarte, their new UI design lead, does know.

HTC Evo for one year and zero lag. Course, I'm rooted with Cyanogen. AOSP Android, without skins, is pretty darned lag-free.

I'd rather have actual apps to use than a guaranteed update. I mean, if WebOS was still getting updates, it would still be useless, wouldn't it?

Understood, but if it is on my phone when I get it, I'll know that Google sold out to Verizon to get this thing on their network. They should have just released it to every carrier like Apple did. THAT'S control, something Google obviously doesn't have over the carriers yet.