
No. But keep trying. Or just actually you know keep reading. Eventually everyone who taught you will be exposed as a liar. If you're honest. I am to a fault honest. You can be smarter. Or you can try to prop up your ego on an irrelevant message board. Your call.

I always know that I'm doing a great job as a moderate when Libs think I"m conservative and Dems think I'm republican. So thanks!

Critics in general are worthless because they are inherently biased on emotional levels. For instance Robert Christgau. Ever read something by him that didn't involve bias somehow? Read "A history of Tom Jones" "The Foundling" to get a balanced idea. It's been going on for centuries.

If only Hitchens were here….Instead we get Chomsky, Zinn and Dawkins. Yuck.

Why not admit though that your party isn't perfect? People would like you better. Us moderates I mean.

Lemme ask…when did you start saying Straw Man arguments? Around 2008? Or 9? When it became a popular phrase for Pseudo intellectuals who recently graduated to use in place of circular arguments(The previous go to lib phrase)? Poor thing, can't think of reality without the influence of others. People like you get

Clearly you're a fan of using hackneyed expressions that mean nothing to substantiate your ill informed opinions.

When you said he "thinks" he loves America the rest was just dribble. Poorly formed logic and arguments make you a hack. Sue the school that churned you out.