
very true. the vendors get handed this platform that is just about the hottest thing in the tech world right now, and they think they have to make it look like an iPhone to get people interested...it really surprises me how terrible some of the UI designers for some of these huge companies are (like, who the hell

good. I don't have time for anything but sky rim until 2012 anyway

if it crashes in iOS 5, it crashes in iOS 5...theres not a drastic enough change between betas that fixing it for 1 would make it crash in the next. They're just making sure that, on day one, their users aren't experiencing incompatibilities

and you just put an awesome idea in my head...

and last time, all it was was a map you already had, set at a different time of day...

from the looks of this picture, its more like zombies in a moon base

or you could just graduate with a degree in computer engineering in 3 years, like a friend of mine did. That got googles attention right quick.

yea that would be cooler...there were only a couple dozen or so different designs, then they all had different colors...making a couple dozen different user-replacable parts would make for even more variety

you're right...I forgot they were already at 1,000,000...even better!

I wasn't aware you could do all that on android...never used it myself. But a gizmodo article I read on the differences pointed out those things as advantages to iOS...sounds like theres a gizmodo editor out there who has some bad facts

I don't think anyone would complain about not getting the terrible OEM interfaces on their new phones...they can install them themselves if they care enough

I believe that encryption is coming for Mango

If I were to ever get an Android phone, it'd have to come with stock android. people say rooting is easy, but i've jailbroken every iOS device there is, on every version of the platform I could get, and it was always a cinch. I couldn't for the life of me, however, figure out how to root my friends Samsung Fascinate.

what they mean is that you have control over the order notifications are shown (SMS always on top, for example, or in the order they were received, or any combination you want). You have control over what apps have notifications, what apps let their notifications into the bar, hell, you can even have some apps still

android is already outclassed for all but the most tech savvy of users...its harder to use than either two, and it is picked up by many as an alternative to the iPhone on carriers that don't support it, or because of the budget handsets available. You see almost no one with top-of-the line ATT android handsets, and

its etsy...

what exactly is that supposed to mean? Apple pushes out the newest software updates to their iDevices longer than any other company I've seen, and they continue Genius Bar support for old G3 and G4 macs...as a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure they'll repair almost all of their past products from this century, if not

it probably won't be called a zune, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in development, just called something else

I'm with you there...I adored borderlands, and mostly because of the leveling up and the loot collecting (its a game where until you're maxed out, you probably won't use the same gun for more than an hour)

hopefully this has twice as many guns...100,000 wasn't enough the first time around