
play the witcher 2 (on a good, powerful computer). Not only was I blown away by the textures (finally, clothes look like clothes, and not like they were drawn on with a marker) on things like geralts leather armor, but I was blown away by how realistic he looked when it was raining, and his clothes were wet

I just have a hard time believing that...Avatar was rendered on BEAST machines, and looked as good as it did because it was NOT real time, and they were able to change and polish and etc etc etc. How that can be transferred over into real time rendering in engine on a small home theater console in just a handful of

IE9 does the same thing...

I use the OSX help menu to find items I know exist...instead of remembering which menu it's buried under, I just type it in and it pops up for me

but that puts you into the category of a collector. While there are certainly a good number of people out there who think as you do (myself included, to some extent), most people don't. A movie is a movie to them, and if they can get it whenever they want on netflix, they won't see any reason to buy it as a disc. Even

that is something that makes no sense to me at all. I don't know why, for example, around 6 or so episodes of family guy are disc only...seems pointless

I was just stating why they would not want to allow all movies be streamed. Fact is, in a situation where they are giving up a TON of potential sales to netflix to let the stream, they're going to want massive sums of money, which is why the price will have to go up at some point. And to get the money there to be

that is true, and I think that is what is happening, which is what will account for the 1 billion netflix is predicted to have to shell out for rights next year will be comprised of

right, but I think a lot of what they're trying to keep is the people who would buy a DVD because they want to own it, to be able to watch it instantly whenever they want. If its a movie you only want to see once, you're just going to rent anyway, so they're not losing those sales. If you have instant access to every

it seems like google+ is going to be an awesome site for professional photographers to share...clicking on a photo and selecting details, you can see that there are spots to enter (or for g+ to automatically get from photo data) things like camera, exposure, etc. Should be really cool for photography lovers

If this means that updates on a sony console don't happen every other day and don't take a solid hour to complete, then I'm all for it...

does that surprise you? If you could access every new release instantly on any (and as many) TV's, computers, phones, etc. for $8 a month, the studios would never sell another DVD again

do they show standard versions in IMAX? The IMAX theater near me only shows it in 3D. I plan to see it that way (saw it normal at midnight)

if they're around...blockbuster came into my area, forced out the local rental shops a LONG time ago, and then went belly up in the area (closest one is a solid 20 minute drive at least), leaving us with nothing but redbox for instant-rentals. Hopefully, in blockbusters absence, a local rental shop will open up, but I

thank you thank you thank you...crackle is amazing. I've been looking for streaming seinfeld forever!

right. so like I said, upon its release, for the price, an iPhone is the best option out there. It doesn't take long before there are better options priced the same, and equivalent options priced cheaper. But on release day, an iPhone is the best buy there is

since I instantly question the intelligence of anyone who types in all caps, I am starting to wonder about Oprah...

if only they did...think how much cheaper it would be to hire a good investor? they don't even have to have graduated

not to put down your company in any way, but can you compete with samsung in terms of the volume you can churn out?

they're competitively priced on release, but they don't ever drop in price, unlike android phones