

oh without a doubt...but WP7 was up there. I was really just explaining why Apple is the best when it comes to this, and why WP7 is equally impressive

my state has an "anti-hacking" law that is currently being used in court to apply to a man who read his wifes email because she had it set to automatically log in on HIS computer...somehow I don't see where that falls into the category of hacking either.

Amazon almost always has these handsets on sale for a penny

they all use the same screens and touch panels...apple doesn't make their own. Responsiveness comes down to the software. Apple spent years testing and developing algorithms to calculate angle, speed, direction, intensity, etc of your swipe/pinch/tap in order to nail smooth scrolling and touchscreen responsiveness.

It'd be interesting to read more about that studebaker...did they just say "we want an energy shield on this one," or did they genuinely think they had a way to make energy shields?

Apple has never been about catering to big markets before...the market of people willing to spend multi-thousands of dollars on a computer isn't exactly the largest

and AutoCAD, the only CAD program you should really care about

what...? I don't see what that example has to do with the GeoHotz hack...it allows piracy, true, but so does jailbreaking.

well if thats true, it really changes my opinion on this

Bringing back other OS on the PS3 is quite a bit different than releasing the email address and password of thousands of people to the world..

"How would you like it if someone took something of yours you spent years working on made a few changes and then claimed it as theirs and got paid for it!!"

so...no beers around the bonfire with this

the situation is similar here in the US

the only thing they really need android for is the apps...and android apps run on the playbook (supposedly), so they've got that figured out. All they need to do is bring it to the phones.

true, and that's something they'd be good for...but in that case, "pirating" the songs (wether from torrenting, frostwire, etc.) isn't illegal...you are allowed to download songs you own the CD of, that's what kept limewire technically legal all those years. So you could just grab the .flac for those songs too

right, but that doesn't affect the amount of RAM available to the phone, which is really the point I was trying to make

windows live messenger is built in to the messages app in mango...not sure if google talk integrates with that, but if it does, you're set

the most exciting feature no one has ever mentioned yet: pinned contacts now flip over to show updates about emails and texts that person has sent you...this was claimed to be a feature in the handbook that came with my phone, but never existed, so I'm happy to see it now

meego ≠ symbian...from what I've heard, it sucks considerably less. So what basis do you have to disparage it if you've never even used it?