Donatiene Chambord

It’s not so much the access that gets me, it’s the Both Sidesism. There’s a high degree of correlation between the two but... how do you say this... Access Journalism cannot exist without Both Sidesism while Both Sidesism can exist without Access Journalism.

The plight of Kaep is a microcosm of all the world’s troubles.  We still have a lot to learn from him and should be thankful that, after all this, he’s still willing to teach us.

To be fair our execution policies are inhumane.  Waiting is the hardest part... and some have to do it for decades.

Ok, I’ll bite.  Can you name one instance of real socialism having ever been attempted?

LOL what a moron. AOC isn’t even Chinese.

Case closed.  We are the bad guys now.  China, if you are listening, invade.

Yes, he is a Mueller informant. More to come, but for now suffice it to say that one does not simply allow themselves to be discovered as a Chief of Staff mole. There is a reason we have heard little, and tiny shall be the drip of conclusions until the dam is demolished and truth washes over this land cleansing all the

The United States of America and all her allies across the globe.  This is a 20201 issue, after we take back the White House and Senate.

You won’t be waiting long.  The next move is retaliation against The Kremlin for getting Trump elected.  There is a reason we are in a new arms race with Russia and China.  

Pay closer attention.  Kelly is a Mueller informant and always has been.  Trump recently found out through MbS, which is why the cabinet reorg talk started right around the time Khashoggi was eliminated.  

Just funny that they can’t see their own logical inconsistencies here.  The goal of jailing someone is to rehabilitate them.  Release is state-level affirmation that the jailbird is now a certified ordinary, allowed to roam free as ordinaries do.  That they still restrict former jailbirds from voting is inconsistent

Tone, mostly.  Then all of her positions.  But she has Hillary’s tone and that’s an immediate loser.  

We need to stop acting like the parents of the hippies and start being the hippies again. I think that’s what Bernie’s about, but the Hillary wing still exists and they’re all baseline establishment neocon boomers and other try too hard types.

Mr. Forcements -- may I call you Branden?  We are all looking for a story whether we realize it or not.  That is why we do most things, for the story.  To tell others, to tell ourselves, to enjoy in spirit after the event has passed.  It’s why we follow the news, even the fake news.  Sometimes the fake news is more


Listen, I’m not as good at rhyming as you are. My usernames are, how do you say this, below average. So I have to rely on my ability to type out my thoughts as they come to me. I’m a pretty fast typist, so this really isn’t much of a challenge anymore. Wasn’t always this way though. I remember when I first learned to

Kamala is just Hillary 2.0

Considering her stance on Israel, she’s much more at risk for a Mossad hit made to look like crazy right wingers.  

Hips Don’t Lie

The “living in their heads rent-free” term will never not be associated with Donald Trump, so let’s start thinking of cool new unique terms that we can use and own. This is gonna be a lot of fun and anyone with a good one, please, jump right in.