Donatiene Chambord

Yeah he’s not even close to Bernie and not much more than a very good actor that knows how to take some of what Bernie says and some of what Hillary says and make a meal with it. I actually really, really don’t like him. But hey, Hitler was Time’s Person of the Year once too. It’s all about who has the biggest affect

As much as I hate to say this, it’s Beto. It is. The guy came out of nowhere and really latched on to all the things Bernie has already said, all the things that Bernie campaigned on, and made all of Bernie’s ideas his own. He did it with finesse and style, he cleverly used some both sidesism to attract the Hillary

You are deliberately twisting my words. 

Bernie started the revolution that AOC and Beto are trying to co opt, and I support them, but don’t forget where it started. 

Bernie would have won, actually.

Sorry, don’t know how to read ALL CAPS.  Try again. 

The only reason Kav passed on hearing the case is because he has a wife and two daughters.  You can guarantee that he wanted to hear the case, defund PP, and outright ban all abortions but more than that he wanted to have peace and quiet at home.  This is why protesting works, people.  

How is an Islamic one any different?

I’m honestly irritated that this irritates you.  

I prefer Splinter to Vox.  Ungrey me. 

Wait, are you kidding?  I thought you were a girl and Hello America was a man.  What the hell is going on here?  You can’t mansplain a guy and she had no business in our exchange in the first place.

I thought you were a dude.  How can it be mansplaining if I thought you were a dude?

Then know that the reason I’m saying this isn’t so that Bernie can “get his” like your gurl Hills wanted to “get hers.” I’m saying this because yes, it’s really unfair to Bernie, but more than that Beto can’t win by commandeering Bernie’s platform. We see right through you.

Don’t.  Don’t start that female copout “boo hoo you don’t like me because of my hoo hoo.”  This is too goddamn important.  Let’s be adults about this and at the very least recognize that the DNC is trying to steal Bernie’s movement.

It’s not his turn like Hillary said it was her turn.  Poor choice of words.  I’m saying that Bernie built the platform that the DNC is now trying to hand over to Beto.  It’s not fair.  That’s Bernie’s platform, Bernie’s email and donor lists.  He started the movement and so yeah, it’s always going to be his turn to

Not funny, Bammon.  Assuming Bernie doesn’t get unlucky he’s got at least 15 years, good years, left.  We don’t need to be handing his platform to Beto simply because the DNC still blames Hillary’s loss on Bernie. 

He was cheated and he would have won the general election.

Am I being trolled? The analogy is clear... people learn how to do math in school, few seek out opportunities to do a little math without instruction. People also learn that exercise is good in school, and that eating garbage is harmful. A very large number of people choose not to incorporate any sort of healthy

False and you know it.  Hillary sucks, but she won the popular vote.  Bernie would have won in a landslide and still can.  Stop being a defeatist, that’s exactly what Russia wants. 

What the hell is this? First Mr. Nolan publishes a rabidly anti-Bernie Sanders article out of absolutely nowhere and now the follow up is more age-shaming, ableist nonsense?