
Man - I want to be president of a bridge.

What possible reason could you possibly have not to wear a cup.

This is like corporate 101. I don’t understand how none of you understand this.

And for potential threats trying to catch up.

Uh both are true. They were shooting at Zoey and Charlie but hit Josh. Get it right.

And much like your life, no one will notice or care.

Kid would have gotten ejected at my high school. A cup was part of being legally and properly equipped.

I coach 2 teams one 13 year olds and the other 16 to 18. We intentionally walk, its part of the game.

DC zoo is the best place to run imo


Time for a slow down then - just ambling around the field and what not.

I assumed it was about Peter Thiel funding the Cavs

Yea - no way he has said something to the officials on the ice. He definitely just went to the media.

I am offended that I’m not on the list as I am also not funding it. If news is a list of people who aren’t doing things then we are going to be very bored.

lol oh Gawker. The cop said he smelled of alcohol and had bloodshot eyes!!! This must be bullshit lawyer trickery! Cops don’t lie or fuck up ever!

I hope its Peter Thiel so you guys can write an article about it.

Hello! Welcome to Gawker - You have subscribed to Peter Thiel daily.

engaged to*

I went to military school where pissing in the sink was literally the most common way to relive yourself. Come at me, bro.

Only if Candidate Obama had agreed multiple times to debate then backed out because ‘meh’