
“One can only hope.” -- Virtually everyone outside of the 617 area code.

I just assumed this was a post about Patriots wide receivers, utility infielders beloved by the anti-stats crowd, or ice hockey PLAYERS.

But from a pure existential perspective, does it sound like he was a fungi to be with?


I’m beginning to think he might be a bit of an asshole.

What the fuck are you questioning here? The World Cup is the biggest sporting event in the world every time it rolls around and almost definitionally the most recent is bigger than the one preceding it. The most recent World Cup was almost certainly, by any estimation, the biggest sporting event in world history. 

No doubt. (Also: Please note that I posted my comment in the first half, before the game got away from the Raiders but well into the Slobbing of the Gruden Knob. Respect my deep football knowing!!!)

Philly cheesesteak is the country’s most overrated regional food by a long, long way.

But Jesus, the ESPN booth is slobbering all over every 3-yard play the Raiders successfully make. We get it -- he’s a buddy; you worked with him; he talked to you in Bristol. But for fuck’s sake -- he hasn’t actually accomplished anything back in the league yet. 


Heh heh. Mule.

There was never, ever a time when newspapers were a “just the facts” medium. What good newspapers always have done is to create firewalls between editorial and news, but there was never a point at which there was some “objective” journalism. 

I’m just as God made me.

Just to be clear, you are differentiating Kansas and Moody Blues and Procul Harem and King Crimson and ABBA and Jethro fucking Tull from the Eagles as evidence that your Dad “loved good dad rock”? The Eagles are garbage, but they are no worse and are in most cases better than every one of those shit bands you just

Saturday Night Live qualifies as successful, I think. 

Yep, that’s my all-time favorite too. Perfectly paced, and I remember laughing absurdly hard at it. 

Good example of why commas matter, but not an example of an Oxford comma.

“At a program whose only prior experience at this level of college football were some good Danny Ford years at the start of the ‘90s.”

Rivers has proven to be way more durable than Eli? Eli played in 16 games 12 years in a row. In fact, in his career Manning has played in and started more games than Rivers. 

Hey, dipshit, the police are not Gods, nor are they judge, jury, or executioner. If you have evidence that 3/4 of these individuals were actively, violently disobeying police so that the only option was police violence resulting in death, proffer it. Otherwise go back to Stormfront.