This site needs to be renamed to “ Slideopolik” since that seems to be the only thing that shows up now. Are plans under way to find replacements for the two that left? This site seems to be really suffering from a lack of content.
This site needs to be renamed to “ Slideopolik” since that seems to be the only thing that shows up now. Are plans under way to find replacements for the two that left? This site seems to be really suffering from a lack of content.
I’m lazy. I’m not clicking this listicle 11 times to read it
Can you disable useless slideshows on the internet with salt? Just asking.
Same, Tracy and Torch were the only thing keeping this site in my daily rotation, so Jalop will be getting subbed out for whatever their next project is
Oh... I, uh, don’t know if I’ll still come around anymore much after this.
Nah, seeing a stuck part move imbibes excitement and a sense of success, not abject terror and anxiety about the upcoming 18 years.
“Now, every outlet is calling these folks thieves, and sure, that’s technically correct.”
This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy. This isn’t a stick-it-to-bezos thing. This is impacting folks like you and me who work to pay their bills, then get their hard-earned shit stolen by someone who…
There needs to be a better understanding of WHY aircraft engines use tetraethyl lead in their fuel. You touch on it when discussing detonation, as that is the main reason for the use of lead. However, this neglects half of the facts. Aircraft engines are unique from automotive engines because they operate at…
Dust your walls before painting them
The pay it forward thing has always been the dumbest thing imaginable. It’s performative charity for people who don’t need it. Want to feel good? Donate time or money to an actual cause. Or, as this article wisely suggests, tip the workers.
Did anyone call a bambulance?
What kind of article is that, apart from being an ad for CR? All I got from this is your car may be unreliable because it has an engine and engine components. That’s like saying your health may be at risk because you have a heart that can stop and a liver that can get fatty.
Geez, we’re talkin’ aboot real money, eh? Not this loonie toonie silly Canadian money.
You sound like a real ahole.
It’s taken me a long time to realise the slideshows are opinions without any supporting evidence.
Actually I’m well over my quota for the week, but I figured this would be a fun little post for the weekend. Sorry you had to suffer through it.