
Consumers: We want more fuel efficient cars.
Industry: Here’s a 50 mpg CRX.
Consumers: AWESOME.
Government: That’s not safe. Make it heavier.
Industry: These new cars are safe, but not very efficient.
Government: Unacceptable. Make them more efficient.
Physics: Psht. Heh.
Industry: These are safe and efficient, but not in

This matches my feelings exactly the few times I have ever used martial arts in a conflict - in the moment it’s fine, but SUCH an adrenaline drop after you start shaking and get a little pukey. And then you start thinking about everything that could have gone wrong... Glad these were not armed rednecks!!

Jesus Christ, THIS. I got raged while (trying) to read about rage because of this.

I love these aggregated comment stories, especially this one, but the only thing that sucks is the center of the page is basically unclickable because if I dare click my mouse on it by mistake it takes me to the original comment.

This thing would probably flip so hard it would land on it’s wheels again.

Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

Disable the damn “autopilot.” Tesla fucked up big time with the feature totaling vehicles and maiming people. Government noted its skepticism, and cities are moving to ban driverless systems outright. Consumer Reports also published an open letter to disable the feature on customer units, and its smarter to trust them

That’s how you know they used authentic Ferrari parts.

Neutral: Will Anyone Buy A Chevy Bolt?

Hands down the best Jalopnik article ever.

Jalopnik still gets Doug content without actually having to pay him.

Like a post-Doug Doug post...

“Who’s Deadmau five?”

TBH, probably 75% of the world has cracked an iphone. I dropped mine a few weeks ago.

Lambo = Meth

It doesn’t matter if you are doing 60 mph or 160 mph, if there is someone behind you who wants to go faster than you do, then move the F over.

Jesus Christ, no one tell Argentina.

Let me get this straight,

I once had a short, non-verbal conversation with another car using my car.

I was driving back from a thing at night, in light drizzle, and I ended up behind a brand new Dodge Charger (hence the example) with its lights off, but it's BRIGHT DRL's on; tail lights are dark making the car very hard to see. I flash my