
A headstart of 4:50...

Captain America: Vision Kills Cap’s Team in the First Five Minutes

Best DBZ cosplay EVER.

I believe wasteland 2 was able to scratch the itch for an isometric fallout game.

It was a good run


It’s much better than Kim’s Skyrim cosplay at the VMAs

So you’re saying your DMV won’t cover up the flash so you can get your photo taken? What backwoods town do you live in?

I have no idea what you said to get people’s jimmies so rustled. There is literally no reason to buy any of the newer consoles unless you want HD remastered versions of older games. Processing power is heftier in the current gen, but the games are kind of duds tbh; AAA titles arent original anymore considering they’re

OF COURSE they’re not going to finish them!


Now playing

If they could add in the Syphon Filter taser it would be perfect.

Yeah. Let’s give everything up before the release.

Another suggestion: go after achievements / trophies. So many people criticize them, but it’s entirely optional and they add a lot of replay value to some games.