Reverse racism is alive and well I see.
Reverse racism is alive and well I see.
I know you’re joking, but real talk, Cena has steadily been moving up in acting range and quality...
There’s honestly way worse choices for Goku than him at this point lol
I’m guessing everything with Fiona is simply because she’s exiting the show by the end of the season right?
I always thought that the perfect ending to her self destructive path would be to run off with Jimmy/Steve to another country, like he always talked about with her...
So turning the family on her so that she can…
Anybody remember Super Bombad Racing? I actually liked it even though it got horrid reviews and is generally thought of as hot garbage...
Wow, I never had a crush on a pianist before...
This is interesting if you simply want an “Upscaled/HD Remix” version of the original game. But if you want something closer to a “Remaster” then this would fit more in that wheelhouse.
So sad man... at least my dreams were crushed before I made any progress toward them, since I was a kid when 3D took over, but you were in the middle of investing a ton of time and effort into it while you watched it die a slow death in real time... I feel for you man... :(
I REALLY hope this ushers in a new era where CG animated films take somewhat of a backseat and hand drawn animation makes an explosive comeback in the states...
After Disney/Pixar and Dreamworks started the 3D Animated Film rush back in the 90s, I had no problems with it. Movies like Toy Story and Shrek were a wonderful…
I’m done man, it’s been fun watching you make an ass of yourself in every post to the point of proving my own point for me, but at this point it’s like beating a baby and THEN stealing their candy... enjoy stupidity tho man, they say ignorance is bliss so you must be one happy ass mother fucker! lmao
I did make a point and then you further enforced it by literally using the word ADAPTATION, which is what EVERY FUCKING THING YOU’VE DESCRIBED IS lolllllll
You literally shot yourself in the foot dumbass! buahahahaha
RE2(2019) is a REMAKE... everything else in this article is an ADAPTATION! Thanks for proving my point…
So by your definition, if somebody writes a damn book, or even the actual “Comic books” that came out back in the 90s depicting events in RE2...
Those are the same as REMAKES?! lmao
You’re reaching levels of stupidity that I didn’t even think you’d have the balls to reveal man... now I know what kind of stupid I’m…
Action “Light Gun” Shooter was YOUR word kid.
It’s an ARCADE shooter, and if you think an Arcade Shooter and a 3rd Person Shooter are “totes the same”, then you’re just making yourself look like even more of a buffoon lol
Keep it up tho man, class is in session, teacher is here. lmao
Ya ya ya, your book essay ain’t shit, try to explain yourself outta the corner guy, but RE2 hasn’t ever been REMADE.
Keep trying to justify it with “Darkside was a remake... but it was an action shooter.” or “They repeatedly made sections of the game” horseshit.
Just because I build a section of a wall with the same…
I’m saying they’ve never remade RE2.
Just because they put Nuketown maps in Black Ops 4 doesn’t mean that Black Ops 1 has been remade...
Same fucking premise smartass.
Darkside Chron is an Arcade shooter that took place during the RE2 timeline and Operation Raccoon City is an online multiplayer game that took place…
The movie does have several scenes that depict sexual assault of varying levels... if your partner is sensitive to it, then it won’t be suitable for them.
Get Out was entertaining at best, but it didn’t deserve an Oscar, not by a longshot.
CAM on the other hand, was absolute horseshit from beginning to end... the movie was a solid piece of shit, through and through.
To even insinuate that such a craptastic movie deserves ANY kind of award, much less an Oscar is idiocy…
Don’t worry bubu, I will.
I came here to point out that the article is clickbait bullshit which could potentially save someone else from bothering with it if they read the comments beforehand.
Just because you have a hard-on for everything Kotaku shits out, don’t mean we all have to, Shit-for-brains.
Capcom hasn’t REMADE Resident Evil 2 until 2019...
They may have revisited the RE2 timeline in games like Operation Raccoon City and there may have been that fimble of a game Darkside Chronicles, but the actual full game of Resident Evil 2 has not been remade ever... so this article is just typical fucking clickbait…