Like Mr. Tusks said, the Kinect was a completely unnecessary addition they could have chucked away in favor of making the console multi-useful...
Like Mr. Tusks said, the Kinect was a completely unnecessary addition they could have chucked away in favor of making the console multi-useful...
No I don’t think you’re right about that, although I could be wrong... but different hardware makes a huge difference, it’s not simply about the technical capabilities of the hardware.
Ugh... don’t remind me, I never cared for that, nor do care for the current gimmicky asf VR horseshit that game devs continue to try to hawk onto us...
That’s only if they do “emulated” backwards compatibility, if they weren’t such greedy fucks, then they would simply put the damn hardware in the machine to make it backwards compatible, like most previous gen consoles did, at least until midway through the PS3 cycle when they started gutting the system...
Wait, I thought that the Xbox X was going to have FULL backwards compatibility? Not this trickling out bullshit that the Xbox360 did!
I didn’t buy into the XB1 or PS4 generation, mostly because of the lack of backwards compatibility, and I won’t buy into this next one if they do the same shit...
That’s why I DLed every single song purchase I made from PSN on Rock Band... now I just have to keep the PS3 offline and all those songs are basically the same as physical copies... just gotta look into somehow uploading them to another HDD in case the PS3 eventually takes a shit...
While your physical copy of GTA will eventually rot away, you could always just purchase games from DRM-Free websites and simply stockpile future purchases that way.
I don’t think he neccisarily meant that this situation alone would revert him back to purchasing discs, it’s simply a reminder that DRM locked services like Steam, which control most of the PC Digital Market, are allowed to do shit like this, which could open up a can of worms that would otherwise never happen with…
While a Live Action Naruto sounds great, please leave it to Japan... Hollywood turns everything related to Anime & Video Games into shit...
Or John Snow?
Now that I think about it, I’m surprised nobody has done a mashup cosplay of Jon Snow+Winter Soldier and called it “Winter is coming”.
I guess they got funding? Because the Kickstarter didn’t meet its goal by like 2/3...
The book is great, I honestly feel that it gets a bad rap from a small collective of elitist nerd snobs who may have read the book and misinterpreted its fun and playfulness with immaturity and overall pop culture masturbation.
This movie is going to suck ass... and I’m really sad about that too, because if they did truly manage to get all these studios and companies to play nice together and share their IPs for the film, then that will especially make it that much more painful when the movie turns out to be a piece of shit because of what a…
You didn’t have to use it, you just have to testify that you lost value when they removed the feature in the firmware, basically meaning you could have potentially installed Linux OS, but never got the chance.
Just enter your PSN gamertag and they can track the console it was first created on and through the serial number they can track down where it was purchased and when.
I don’t own a PS4 and my PS3 is currently in storage, so I’d rather have the $65 than a SONY title...
I was hoping to find that Telltale would be foraying into new pastures. Something different from their typical Animated movie with occasional QTEs and mostly pointless narrative choices... alas, there’s no mention of this and they shall continue with the same shit.
What a great description for horror games.