You’re clearly not old enough to remember when Need for Speed had a selectable DINOSAUR as a vehicle... Need for Speed has been around, if you think Tanks is the most impressive vehicle they got in mind, think again! Lmao
You’re a tool. Don’t bother commenting unless you have something genuinely useful to add. There’s 100 reasons why you’re 2 sentence solution won’t work. And how tf does comparing this issue with a life threatening one make sense? Just crawl back into the cave from whence you came buddy, you’re only making yourself…
...relabeled cartridges are a concern for the reselling market. “Most sellers that I see fail to note that a label has been replaced and/or they charge the going rate for a nice condition 100 percent original game when they are selling something that’s not original,” he said. And even if they do disclose to the seller…
MOBA Games are trash.
Calm down Bubba, wtf are you even talking about?
This lady has gone beyond stupid and into a new realm of dumassery that no one can save her from... just let her walk around using her slurs until some poor soul shoots her and is sadly convicted for the murder of an idiot.
Nothing about the trailer made me want to play it... maybe it’s because I have a very large distaste for “Southern” lifestyle and personalities...
Is that Dora The Explorer?
That’s a nice ass jail! Nice and clean and lockers to keep your personal items secure from the other prisoners... seems like what all prisons should be like... not all the fucking ZOO’s that we have where people and locked up and treated like animals for victimless crimes...
I feel the same way about the entire entertainment industry... people have to see an entire plot in a movie trailer, video game trailer, tv show preview... etc... nobody can enjoy a vague and interesting trailer like we used to get back in the day and simply gamble that it might be good based on that, everything has…
If you download every single game you own on Steam onto a Hard drive, they’re all playable “offline” so there’s no issue with Steam/Valve ever taking it away from you or them going out of business... Sure you don’t technically OWN it, DRM-wise, but if you download it off their servers and keep it on an external hard…
Yea I noticed that, tried it right after I commented here...
Couldn’t you feasibly just mirror the actual T2 movie in another window and just mute the really shitty russian dub job from this video?
Yea but, now Blizzard is obviously going to remake Starcraft a thousand times over and probably make a ton of cash for it, soooo, sure would have been better to get that source code though...
I’ve seen that pool!
Typical fucking Nintendo move... they withheld stockpiles of Wii’s and allowed scalpers to have their fun simply to hype up the stupid fucking system, they did it with the original DS too, they do it with their first party games like Pokemon, and now this bullshit...
It’s better than DC’s gray and black scheme... I’ll take crazy colors over photo-realistic boring drabby colors any day.
I despise Uwe Boll with every fiber of my being. He’s a terrible director and has singlehandedly ruined multiple video game movies! But I recently noticed that he directed the RAMPAGE trilogy, and I fucking LOVE those movies, I don’t know if he wrote them, but he directed them, and they were awesome, so maybe his…