
Like especially you. Sure on a technicality, you’re right. I saw one horse get possibly impeded. The Chicken $hyte part of the story is the second place jockey raised the objection (and he wasn’t affected by it!) That's why everybody is saying the fastest, strongest horse did not win. Oh and when you don't have an

Typical moronic post from you snowflake liberals. The Electoral College isn't a technicality. Read a book on our "Republic!"

Biden weighed in?

Now I remember why I don’t read your/this crap. This is nothing but an echo chamber of CNN MSNBC Huff Post etc.,... Trump sux, Faux News, Republicans are evil, blah, blah, blah...half the crap you idiots on here rail about is nothing MORE than “Move on” talking points! Judas priest, you’re just relentless.

Jammer? You mean Hammer like pork! Check Nebraska’s win loss record against B1G when they were in Big 8 and BIG XII then get back to me. Horrible coaching hires by inexperienced AD’s led us to where we are right now.

WTF are you even talking about? 

Yet another ridiculous attempt at trying to sound like you know what you're talking about, but you don't. Frost will get three years to get competitive and five to compete for conference championship. Bank it.

Wow! Racist much! Half of our national championship teams were loaded with great black athletes. Good Lord I can’t stand ignorant fans who think they’re college professors. If you can recruit to Madison, Columbus, Anne Arbor you can get them to Lincoln.

Based on what? The freaking stupid media's hatred and socialists demonizing of Republicans no matter what positive results occur from electing them?!? BTW, white supremacists make up less than 1% of electorate, hardly enough to swing an election. Give me an F'n break

Stormtrooper thugs? Calling for blacks to be jailed or shot? JFC, you ANTIFA facists are over the top, off the rails, unhinged! What is wrong with you. Try reading a book on Nazism and socialism. And the author of this pos article is a freaking moron too! Judas priest, what's wrong with you people?!?

You disgusting "satancrats" are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. I can't even continue my response you make me so sick to my stomach the way you treat people with an opposing point of view

I’ll try again. If this isn’t published this time I’ll go to Brightbart they allow free speech. Ever hear of Justice John Paul Stevens?

Ever hear of Justice John Paul Stevens?

You people on here are beyond disgusting. Conservatives are the party of “hate!” Really? Give me a break.

Uhh yeah, that’s who I’d be quoting these days. Especially with his successful acquisition of the Venezuelan economy before he died. Venezuela is clearly the gold standard in how to operate a successful government and a top down economy. Kudos to Venezuela

Mostly, evangelicals have a problem with catholicism because of the their legalistic format. They treat their priests and hierarchy like Pharisees.

Well you obviously haven’t cracked open a Bible recently (if at all?) Jesus wasn’t concerned about wealth inequality but more importantly where ones heart is. Pretty obvious what condition your’s is in. To your point, Jesus said “there will always be poor among you.” Matthew 26:11 read the whole chapter