
why would one want something with a higher center of gravity (poorer handling, gas economy) than a lower slung car?

shooting brake requires 2 less doors!

Well... both will leave you stranded (one due to a poorly matched weak overheating automatic transmission, the other, a conflicted homicidal computer)

To be fair, JT keeps getting "dick in a box" presents from his friends and fans so this was a nice break.

yeah, we built the Sherman tanks so that we could build thousands of them, not 100 really really good supertanks. Same with the B17. Built with production efficiency in mind, not the consumer. It's kind of the Ford legacy combined with WW2 production philosophy that stuck around through the 50s-70s. In the

As an immigrant from Europe, I also had a bit of culture shock in the way American cars looked on the outside and felt from the inside. Shittiness however, is universal. The Pontiac Aztec is shitty but so are dozens of Peugeot and Renault french crap along with the usual Italian and British (yes, I said British)

I'm sure the boys who had jamming issues with the early combat use of the M16 rifle were delighted to be stuck in some firefight in Vietnam with nothing to shoot back with because the bugs were still being worked out of their weapons systems.

yeah the technical definition of an allergy is that it is an auto-immune reaction against the body triggered by the allergen. Lactose intolerance is intolerance - due mostly to the lack of the digestive enzyme that processes lactose sugar present in milk. I am lactose intolerant and it's not a yes/no binary

The Honda debacle is a recent symptom of Japanese quality going down - although that's also a function of car electronics becoming a lot more complex since the 90s. Japanese quality was untouchable compared to American quality in the late 80s to late 90s. Lately, even Lexus is getting some systemic failures. Honda

it might be similar to gluten allergy

Well, it's brash but I agree that American car companies have acted very poorly toward its customers. By poorly, I include knowingly keeping unsafe cars on the road that are known to kill its occupants due to known defects.

yes but it is concentrated through man-made processes and the amounts we ingest can be wildly different and higher than what you would get from nature. It's like saying fructose is a natural substance but our dysfunctional dietary habits can lead to overconsumption to the point of negative impacts on health.

this seems like a bullshit story

My impression has always been that the Corvette was an upscale version of the F-bodies (back when they used to exist) Camaro-Trans-am with better performance across the board. It's actually impressive to observe the evolution the Corvette underwent in a couple of decades. It went from a heavy all-show and no-go to a

yeah I'm grateful now take your jacket and sit down.

did it have some kind of GPS that relayed its location during the flight or radar contact during the time it disappeared?

Autrey should have shut the fuck up once the attendant informed him it was against policy but he pushed for it and now it's national news. What fucking egomaniac. You want your jacket to hang in first class, buy a first class ticket. Everyone should play by the rules. That jacket is not intended to be used as a

right but I think the article is pointing to policies (such as loosened credit regulations) as facilitating the purchase of new cars or lease of new cars at year X resulting in a delayed effect of a surge of used cars hitting the market, thereby depressing the equilibrium price due to this high supply. The market

yeah a lot of keys have a passive RFID and those are embedded inside plastic so they're well shielded from things like water and heat. I was responding more on this idea of the article's proposal to use technologies similar to a USB thumb drive where you need metal-on-metal connection and circuitry that is

what you actually want is something that won't die if you drop it in water or gets fried if it goes through a cycle in a clothes dryer. What you need is a decent mechanical lock. The real theft deterrent will be the manual transmission. If you really need an automatic, couple the fuel pump circuit or the ignition