
I love the absence of layers of plastic and upholstery covering up sheetmetal. It looks absolutely beautiful. And I don’t even like 911s.

Buying a car similar to one I used to have that I really enjoyed - that’s a mistake. It’s like dating a redhead because your first girlfriend was a redhead. All you’re doing then is comparing the new vs. the old. And it’s not even a fair comparison because the image of the old is through a lens of nostalgia which the

I didn’t read through every story but jesus, is it me or are American customers more likely to be this horrible than in other places in the world?

In practice, it will become unlawful. Every collision between a driver and an autonomous car: the driver will be blamed because “The computer was operating within safe parameters and without error or malfunction. Therefore it was human error.”

This. To be honest, I’m even more militant than that - I don’t even like the idea of a fly-by-wire linkage for steering. I want a physical connection between the wheel and the rack and pinion system. Even if it’s assisted by a power steering pump, I want that to be a permanent fixture. I don’t want an electrical

watch me sanpai!

what, you don’t want to get your neck jostled sideways in a crash with no restraint?

It’s as if... they hired a bunch of Anime-watching dorks... wait a minute, art students studying designs always are anime watching dorks!!!

my 93 GTI had every plastic piece break off or come off in my hand anytime I touched a part. I’m not a strong man either.

and what kind of pilot visibility does that thing have??? those solar panels block the entire view from the left and right. Dogfighting with a 20 degree panoramic view? THat’s like wrestling while wearing blinders on.

Unfortunately, this affects you in a reduced resale value for the vehicle after all this. In effect, VW’s lie hurt your finances by making your car worth a lot less when you are ready to trade it in or sell it.

I saw BIll Cosby high five the Dalai

You know about Mother Theresa right? Sorry to break it to you but she had some demented philosophy about how human suffering is a wonderful opportunity to get closer to God and set up “death camps” all across India for the sick to come and she used all the money she raised through her international fundraising to

Westerners think of buddhists as a peaceful bunch but they have a history of being a ruling class. They oppress people. No different from the Church in the middle ages. It has nothing to do with what Buddhism is - everything to do with human nature. Buddhist monks will resort to violence to further their political

This makes me hate the rich so much. You don’t even understand.

so 4 x 4^2 = 4 X 16 = 64? Wat?

yeah you still can’t make statements like this to the press or on widespread public outlets equivalent to the press.

“what he did has no impact on the company.”

What I love about this couple and this interview is that at first glance, you expect them to be completely superficial pieces of shit celebs like so many others. But they have a lot of substance and convey that in the way they express themselves. Even in the foibles we get to see, it’s a sign that they don’t edit

yes but it’s raspberry flavored so it’s okay.