schnell s vier

Why do you want porn in a game? The implied sex is enough. Even that part over does it, as every single time you sleep while Sarah is a companion her comments are always about the great sex you just had. Yeah, that happens all the time in real life. 

The last 30 people in America that want manuals can be found in Jalopnik comment sections. 

Really it’s just that 95% of all Americans don’t want manuals, and neither do criminals. Who would buy them? I’ve driven plenty of manuals in the US and other countries, but only in America do they brag about it as if it were a big deal or makes them better than others.

It’ll be fineeee. Maybe.”

The real tragedy is the innocent beautiful Audi that got nuked next to it. 

Seriously, my deployment bags are made of probably the strongest flexible material known to man.

I dislike almost everything about this redesign. From the Ford Fusion hood and front end, the shorter wider grill that looks less Audi and more like any other car, the line across the bottom with ends turned up that looks like a doofy smile, and the blocky headlights that look less aggressive and eye pleasing than the

Either you are being difficult just for fun, or you are mentally “challenged,” because if you are actually a B8 A4 owner and couldn’t tell just from an exterior glance what a B9 looks like, then this is a serious problem for someone who puports to be an automotive journalist. The gear shifter was your clue? wow.

We will only benefit from the current situation, since the BBC was forced to actually compete with something for a change. While there are issues with both shows, I’m certain they will tighten up and only get better. Grand Tour needs to lose that codger they dare call “the American”, not spend so much time on non-car

As a government employee subject to the same rules for record keeping, this article is nonsense. I don’t care for Trump, but personal social media accounts are not official records. Do not worry, I am sure he will dig himself plenty of other legitimate holes for you to lose your mind over.

Ever been to a gay pride parade? Unfortunately thats how they choose to portray themselves.

All of those things are a closed loop. They exist inside their own academic circles and only extend their influence to the real world when they can be appropriately translated to the masses.

“so far has been a big, dull, disappointment.”

Who are these people, and why should we care? They don’t like the show? They’re *bored*?? Good grief stop watching, stop writing, and go do something else. You are obviously not on the same page everyone else is. So please take your tired, contrarian efforts and exert them someplace else. Your services were not asked

Can’t agree in the slightest with this assessment. I was getting a sideache from laughing at every step of their “mission.” If you don’t get it, then are you really a fan of this show? Don’t think so.

I hope the dozen manual fan boys who will actually put their money where their flippy flappy mouth is enjoy it.

The native americans have a special name bestowed on people like you: “Walking Eagle.”

I’m also an Air Force pilot, and I would tell Andrew to stop being a pussy and use that flight pay for a real car, like the B9 S4 I’m about to order when it becomes available.

I think everyone is tone deaf to this fact, and have some odd need to hate things without researching things first. The ZF 8HP 70 is found in the RS6, RS7, A8 and S8. Clearly there is something to this... Audi isn’t tossing in your average Ford Taurus auto trans.