
I love the timed attack method, basically pulled straight from Super Mario RPG. It helps keep you engaged during the battles, and Status effects actually matter in this. It had to be the first game I actually put a lot of status effects to good use.

To the guy who has trouble making friends...start meeting girls and be really nice to them.

The trolls in that game are surprisingly clever.

Interesting Post-script:

This...pile...of...unplayable shit.

I think we should be more upset that he even has a game system to play to begin with.

After playing this for about 5 hours, I FINALLY met a server full of decent people who weren't complete fucking griefer wastes of life.

So...Whisper is basically another meme generator where people can vaguebook their statuses into a graphic and amplify the drama?

Even after looking at the full context of the situation, I'd never forgive or be able to look at my wife again if she ever did this.

While I find it sad that this game gets the massive amount of post-release attention it gets, it also makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one sick of people putting this game on some deity-level pedestal.

I'm honestly treating MMOs and other online survival games as research for if the real thing ever happens.

"The upheaval has left Ko trying to raise money from the StarCraft community to recover his lost pay."

I understand dude needs to get paid, but come on, man. If I got laid off, I wouldn't have the gall to ask everyone else to just give me money.

And it's stories like this that really keep eSports from being legitimized

As long as the review doesn't read like a Social Justice Warrior Tumblr, I'm all for it.

Resident Evil hasn't been Resident Evil since RE4, and I 100% blame the movie adaptations for ruining it.

"Hey everybody, let's all pretend that we're not gonna play FPS shooters for a day. We'll get to lie through our teeth and make the internet feel good about us for a day"

The concept of proof is also lost on a lot of people.

Hi, Ash! Still providing less-than-a-sentence responses I see.

Once again, yeah, the reason is kind of important.

As I've said before, outrage is easily manufactured, just as you seem to be easily riled up (those two scenarios go hand in hand).

If you're willing to believe anything without proof, then the point is you'll believe anything.