
So you'd be ok with her posting YouTube video praising Nazism and condeming Jews as long as she was posting guys acting like dicks along with it?

The reason for my suspicion is that she could have (very easily I might add) provided a screen shot of the message to corroborate the story.

When you're posting a profile for the SOLE and ONLY purpose of having a YouTube channel dedicated to shitty responses, then yes, it's kind of relevant to the context of which this article is being presented.

So....is this female person actively trying to find a date on OKCupid, or does she do this just for the sake of providing YouTube fodder? That bit of context seems a little important to the validity of this article.

Or, the 17 iterations of Street Fighter IV....I'd rather hear a bad joke once than a just-ok joke a dozen times in a 3 year span.

I think they're trying to get out of the (admittedly very ugly) "business" of games journalism. While that doesn't explain the loss of PATV, I can fully understand why anybody would drop the mic and walk away with two middle fingers in the air as they exit the journalism biz.

Pretty much all GJ sites have either

"what the hell is penny arcade?"

A truth bomb has to be factually true before it can be a truth bomb.

This is more like an opinion water balloon at best. And it's not even a good one, it's like one of those ones that you didn't put enough water in, so the balloon is still kinda thick and hard to break.

During tonight's American Music Awards, Katy Perry showed up dressed in a Japanese kimono. Or in a Chinese cheongsam. Or both, actually. Some folks online aren't happy about that at all.

Sony is not the least bit out of line for asking this small courtesy.

I fix people's consoles from time to time as a second source of income, and if I open your console and it's a cockroach breeding ground/graveyard, I'm going to hand it right back to you and tell you to never bring me anything from you ever again,

PS4 buyer: "What the fuck?!?! BLOD? Arrgghhh fuck Sony, I'm buying an Xbox ONe!"

Now console launches will be defined by media-friendly *insert color* light of death.

Seriously, what the hell is people's obsession with the wide-angle lens? This isn't a late-90s skateboard video.

This is the first time I've been back to this site in a while, nice to know it's still the same place overpopulated with people who will go out of their way to point out that your opinion doesn't hold weight with them, as if it mattered or something. Crazy, right?

A passive-aggressive response gets a passive-aggressive reply. Just keeping the balance.

An abridged video will do nicely without the director MTV reality show-ing the shit out of it. You're talking to a guy who could (and still does at times) watch "How it's Made" all day. Very interesting without that added flair required to keep the attention of millenials.

Hello there. Welcome to the internet. You must be new here. Please take the time to go through the tutorial.

Now all I

As interesting as this is, and I love how professional he is, I hate the bro-tastic, post-Monster Garage Discovery Channel production garbage they did to it.

Nothing but quick cuts, angle shots, and constant, guitar riff-in-a-can background noise.