
I always love reading your stuff, DocSeuss, because you tend to articulate an argument much better than most people around.

As much as the things Phil Fish has said that have rubbed me the wrong way, I've always had a respect for the guy for speaking his mind in an industry that loves/hates you on a whim.

And I have

It's so great to see these guys reasonably defend their game, you know, using reason and logic instead of avarice and name-calling.

These guys really knocked it out of the park with this game, and now, even in the face of prominent critics who have a case of "This game is too good, let's knock it down a few pegs"

It makes me happy knowing that a person with your extraordinarily low level of reasoning capability will be excusing himself from playing one of the greatest games of this generation.

I think a lot of people were left speechless with the ending. I know it was definitely not what I was expecting, but I tried to see it from Joel's point of view. For the first time in 20 years, he genuinely cares about someone other than himself, and has more or less accepted Ellie as the daughter he got to save

"Debating which console's guts are more powerful is "a pointless argument," says one Xbox executive, "because people are debating things which they don't know about."

Although your experience may vary, I for one never really "got" British humor. To sum it up, it has its funny moments, but quite literally the rest in between those moments is insufferable dreck.

I much prefer Fumbles

Thank you for writing this.

As someone who already shuns most social interaction, the rampant tirades of "I'm offended and marginalized ALL THE FUCKING TIME AND IT'S YOUR FAULT BECAUSE YOU'RE A STRAIGHT WHITE MALE AND FUCK YOU FOR BEING THAT!!!" doesn't do much in the way of incentivizing me to make an effort to be

There was a much better Vampire game released years ago called "Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines"

Good lord....just....ugh! A lot of you people are the reason I cannot even stomach this horrible site.

"Aww, come on everyone, who cares if he unprovokingly killed innocent people, let him have a playstation. Come on now, guys, we're all super-progressive concerned with prisoner's rights, and it's inhumane that he

" I'm sorry, but I feel you have to be looking to be offended to find offense as the core emotion the ridiculousness of her breasts evoke."

Oh my god, really? It's been about a month since I bothered to show back up here, and I guess some changes are permanent.

Yeah, Ash is also something of a comment stalker. It's really annoying.

Please take your manufactured outrage somewhere where it's relevant.

Seriously, find someone else to stalk, I'm sick of your stupidity dirtying up my comment threads.

It would seem I have. Like I said originally, I own this one.

The fact that TRL made it past Urkel makes this whole sham completely invalid.

I don't feel bad for that girl one bit. Nothing of what these guys were saying was directed at her in the least, and if she had some kind of problem with them, she should've taken it up with them face-to-face, not snap their photo and send a tweet, practically ruining their lives.

...not sure if trolling or serious.

Oh darn, the only casualties I see from this are shitty rag mags, which in my mind kinda need to go the fuck away.