
Being hit by a car is too high.

Don’t stick to sports? (I don’t want to see you Deadspin-ed)

Mandate it? No. Ride a bike without a helmet? Absolutely not. I’m lucky to have never been hit by a car, but when I was 9 or so, I got flipped over the front of my handlebars...and that’s as much as I can remember until I saw my parents standing over me. I realize there’s a limit to the safety that helmets can

Look up LeBaron and the FLDS church. Then start wondering what it is what they were doing that got themselves offed. (Look oup Jeffs while you’re at it, because I’m sure they’re also good friends of the Great Orange One)

If they had simply balked at the cost of the digital subscription simply because it’s that much, I would totally understand. (Not a librarian, but married to one who works in a building that is literally falling apart around her and her library wouldn’t spend that amount of money simply because they do not have it.)

I’m not defending Trump, but let’s be clear, this is him doing the bidding of his racist puppetmasters. (As opposed to his Russian puppetmasters.) Trump isn’t smart enough to pull this shit, but all of those ultraconservative, racist assholes who work in the White House, well they are. They’re smart enough to know

This is the Finnish model.  The only people who don’t like it are the rich, so it has absolutely no chance of ever being implemented in the US.

The old LHA’s (Tarawa-class) were pretty cool ships with both air and ground assault capabilities. I’m assuming that there is going to be another complimentary ship to allow for marine assault on the surface?

Where’s beer?  Because as a Nats fan, knowing that this will all end so horribly wrong, I’ll be drinking and watching Liga MX games on TUDN.  All the while, avoiding the World Series all together.  Just give me the results, man.

Clearly you read the memo: There was too much ‘sports’ in this

Clearly you read the memo: There was too much ‘sports’ in this

This is all away for the Broncos to give us, next season, Manning 2: ELectrIc Bugaloo

As a Newcastle supporter, I would kill for my club to have Arsenal’s problems.

I wish the Nats had just gotten swept because then my misery would be over already

I’ll admit to being an unabashed Nats fan, but where the fuck is karma?  Shouldn’t she be out there right now making the Astros her bitch?  The amount of karmic justice that needs to be dealt upon the Astros should make the Orioles look like a well-run franchise.

As somebody who uses an inhaler, you’re supposed to use it before you exercise.  That way, you’ll prepare your lungs to be most efficient.  And while you can use it during, it doesn’t provide the same benefit.  If he needs it, and he very well might, then he hasn’t trained adequately to build up endurance, and that

Fuck the Orioles. I grew up in the 80's in DC. The Orioles are Baltimore’s team, not DC’s.  And talk about an insufferable fanbase then. 

Any idea as to their health insurance?  Unless they get a free ride on the health insurance, nobody should accept this.

I would hope that ranking of Fleetwood Mac that high is due to their entire catalogue, including the Peter Green years, and not just the Buckingham/Nicks years, because if it’s just Buckingham/Nicks (and as much as I’m a fan of Fleetwood Max/Rumors/Tusk), they’re too high. Also, King Crimson is way too low.

One thing to look forward to in our future with robot umpires is that they are not likely to go nuts on propaganda and load up on assault rifles to wage civil war. It seems much more probable that their violent overthrow of civilization will be waged using built-in flamethrowers or laser eyes.