...had “voluntarily” left the program.
...had “voluntarily” left the program.
My Scottish ancestors are from Skye. Do I want to visit? Sure. Would I want to stay there even if there was a good resort (Trump properties DO NOT fall into that category)? No. I’d rather stay in Edinburgh. Pence is kissing up to Trump in the hopes that he can (God forbid, and I hope she will) become the next…
Which is all well and good, but the station I use has a Dunkin’ Donuts attached to it. There are 8 pumps, so 16 spots, and 3 parking spaces (4 or 5 if you include the handicapped spaces). Pretty sure that, going with my poor math skillz, if it’s busy there’s a low probability I’d be able to get one of those spaces. …
This is why the Masterpiece Cakeshop decision was wrong. The Supreme Court permitted businesses to openly discriminate as long as there are religious beliefs. It’s the same with the decline in abortion services because Catholic hospitals are often buying up non-religious hospitals ending access for large swaths of…
The problem is that people will believe what Trump said and not what the NWS Birmingham said. Even though one is much smarter than the other.
Maybe it’s a sign from God he shouldn’t be coaching.
You fool! Eating Welsh rarebit will only result in giving you nightmares!
So we know when they want to remake The LEGO Movie who’s going to play Lord Business.
Wasn’t this the car that Clarkson and Co. used to try and make a convertible mini van?
That’s what they want you to think. Uber and Lyft are built on the premise of undermining other forms of transportation and exploiting labor in order to make themselves (and their investors) rich. They can spin it all they want, but they reveled in being “disruptors” and quiet honestly it’s about time the law caught…
If you shit your pants you might actually be able to get a first down.
Nine—one two three four five six seven eight nine
Surprised that Evans never said that the damn pitch set him up.
This sounds a lot like Apple. Technically, you can only get an Apple product repaired at one of their authorized repair locations, but that doesn’t stop people from going elsewhere. And while Tesla might own all of the repair shops that can handle Tesla problems, eventually there will be repair shops that aren’t owned…
There’s not circular firing squad like an ESPN circular firing squad...especially when one chickens out.
I might bitch that NUFC has a shitty, penny-pinching owner who has no ambition other than making money, but this is great news that Bolton survives (for now). I still feel bad that Bury didn’t escape their fate earlier.
They need Philadelphia Eagles fans to help them sell out a soccer stadium.
Don’t knock it until you try it
Maybe he’ll want to protect the wall with nuclear bombs too.