
Is it me, or does Vince McMahon in his “mugshot” look way too similar to the Ronald Reagan puppet in the Genesis music video for ‘Land of Confusion’?

I deal with this professionally.  Once you know what to look for, it becomes very obvious what’s going on.  I’m glad I could enlighten.

Yes, but it’s not confined to public schools, but also with parochial and private schools. It’s also a societal issue. People are too often willing to give abusers a pass. Just look at the discussions around Zach Smith when this all went down a year ago, and in particular statements by Urban Meyer.

These are the actions of an abuser. Here’s how: Abuse is about manipulation of power and control. Here he is, being a “concerned” parent to show up at school to pick up his kids, even though, based on what is being reported, he should not. He’s trying to publicly show that he is a responsible parent. It situations

Why don’t we just call him Baldrick?

You see, the town, well that’s like a fine woman right there, taking care of everybody, but only in a very limited, small government way. And to hire an administrator, well that guy’s going to tell the town what to do, and that’s fine, so long as it’s a white guy telling a woman what to do. And since the town is all

Everytime “Harmony Hall” comes on the radio, I think it’s somebody like San Cisco or the Lumineers (I know it’s doesn’t really sound like the Lumineers, but it’s in the same sort of vein.) “Harmony Hall” isn’t bad, but it’s all been a bit bland so far.  I think the departure of Rostam is the biggest reason.

The Terriers aren’t coming back up anytime soon.  And while United had some decent shots on goal, it never looked like they were ever really in a position to win the game.  OGS is going to have his work cut out for him this summer.

It was the outcome I expeted, but Liverpool was lucky to come away with all three points.  Let’s see what happens between City and the Foxes on Monday.

Look, I’m not going to defend Vampire Weekend, a band I do enjoy, but you missed an obvious criticism because you aren’t familiar with their back catalog. In “Harmony Hall” they straight up lift lyrics from a previous song, “Finger Back”. It’s like they’re the new REM. (Also, I would highly recommend “Half-Light” by

I preferred FMA to FMA:B simply because I found FMA to be a bit more philosophical and introspective.  FMA:B is better as a storyline.

Mike Rizzo is the new Ernie Grunfeld

It’s a letter that says a lot without actually saying anything.  There are A LOT of unanswered questions in that letter, which is written in a way to leave a lot of unanswered questions, some which even the attorney might not know, or might not want to know, the answer to.  For instance, it glosses over the exact

I bought a Subaru Forester about 2 years ago. I was looking for something very specific and pretty much Subaru was the only option. I contacted 3 different dealerships, and had three completely different responses. The dealership I ended up purchasing it from...was the same dealer I purchased by Dodge Grand Caravan

I live in Upstate NY, which is exactly like living in the city, except it’s poorer, cows outnumber people, and it has a little brother complex when it comes to the city, plus they keep wanting to make NYC its own state. (Lots of open green space though, which is a plus) There’s absolutely no reason to ever want to

The problem I have with the MCU is the same problem I have with comic books: I’m not interested in everything. And then, to break it down even further, I’m only interested in specific storylines in specific comic books. So for the MCU to tangle everything up together is really only for the most harcore of fans. So,

This upcoming weekend was always going to be difficult for both teams although it just got slightly easier if Ayoze Perez is not fit, so Newcastle will only have realistically one option on attack. Not that it wouldn’t have been a counterattack game anyway; Newcastle have the defense to hold Liverpool. And Leicester

You know they say that being “spoiled” doesn’t ruin a person’s enjoyment of a movie.  And it’s not like we’re talking The Crying Game or The Sixth Sense here.  I haven’t seen the movie, I won’t ever see the movie, but I could guess several major plot points (a discussion with my kids who looked it up on Wikipedia or

That’s not a set position. His hips are square to home. There’s no way he can actually throw a pitch from that position. The balk rule is designed to prevent deception. If he suddenly did a quick-pitch from that position, then yes, it would be a balk.

Finished? I don’t know if you can really call it finished, but I got over 20,000 points on Pitfall! on the Atari 2600 and you got a patch, but in order to get the patch, you had to take a picture of the screen.  I nervously grabbed my mom’s 110 and took the picture and then prayed that when it was developed it would