
+1 Minerva McGonagall presenting nipples

All of this is predicated that they’ll be able to sell more seats at a higher price point, which given how the Rays draw isn’t a guaranteed assumption.

...there’s not a lot that can be done since the game is over.

I like to use this quote often, but it’s never been more appropriate than it is for this:

+1 alt.startrek

There are a ton of Old Who baddies they could use, and a lot they probably shouldn’t, although I would be curious to see if they could do anything with the Yeti.

Not that anybody will ever admit it, but this has the stink of the NCAA or maybe the Power 5 buying “positive” coverage of their sport. And while I doubt they would kill negative coverage (too many other outlets to allow it), this “love letter” will be part of the endless daisy chain that is ESPN mass media to

I don’t say this often, but what MLB needs is somebody like George Steinbrenner.  Do you think he would have put up with all of this bean counting?  Sure, the Yankees ended up with an underperforming all-star team, but if he wanted a player, he got that player.  You want to fix this, set a range within a team has to

If Trump finds out that the IOC is taking credit for improved relations on the Korean peninsula (we’ll just roll with it), he's going to be BIG MAD. 

I’ll agree that it was a nice treat for fans. I will completely disagree on the idea that meeting the Daleks is a rite of passage simply becauase I don’t think it’s necessary. Because of the way Who was shown in the 80s and 90s on American TV, I never saw a single season in order. (The 7th was probably the only one I

In fact, it would be fair to say that a new Doctor doesn’t truly snap into focus until they’ve gone up against those genocidal pepperpots.

I am going to point out a few things.

This is a fair point to raise, but what it comes down to is perception and control, and it goes back to the unerlying emphasis of my comment.

Look, I won’t begrudge the fact that both Alabma and Clemson won their games to make it to the title game, but, my tiny interest in Alabama-Clemson IV: The Quest for Peace is infintesimally small. I just don’t care. There is absolutely nothing compelling in this.

They put the Rays there to appease George Steinbrenner because he had a home in the Tampa area.  No reason to keep them there now.

Because unless he was willing to forfeit the match when otherwise given no other option (he wasn’t!), then what she did as the athletic trainer for his school was the best option given the circumstance. No, the optics aren’t good, but HS athletics have all sorts of rules and if he trusted her enough to do a job that

There is no easy solution to your question, but I’ll try to give you a little insight. Before we begin, I’m been a practising attorney in NY for over 15 years. In NYS there is the Family Court which deals with, among other things, issues of domestic violence between intimate partners. I’ve represnted the abuser, the

You can come back any time as long as you bring more Lea Thompson.

Newcastle did their part to allow the big boys to run roughshod over them today by having an owner underfund a team that is still pretty much a Championship League team at best.  Man City should be able to get their three points from them come the end of January (after Newcastle gifts another three to Man U next