
I’ve never read a better article on Jalopnik. I no longer have a minivan, but for 15 years I owned one. I had a Dodge Caravan, the year before they did fold down seats, and a Dodge Grand Caravan. The Caravan was the single greatest car I’ve owned (it’s nto saying much, I’ve had 4) and I only sold it because I hated

So a big FUCK YOU to Lauren who finds a flag that honors cops to be racist. (ofcourse)

K2, or synthetic marijuana, is apparently a popular drug among inmates because “it’s difficult to detect in routine drug tests,”

Lopetegui’s failure for club and country was so spectacular this year that he probably won’t ever get another big job again.

I’m sure he didn’t cover the helicopter crash from Leicester because there’s no way in hell he’d be able to pronounce ‘Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha’. (Also, he probably doesn’t understand that there are sports outside of the Big 4 in the US)

Sure, Fox won't show that,  but they'll show players kneeling to rile up the conservative base. 

I don’t have a way to screenshot it, but in the lobby of the hotel when Yaz first meets Trump Robertson, over his shoulder it looked like there was a large Gallifreyan mandala on the wall, but it was never in focus.

I don’t buy his excuse for a minute. Last year he yanked Hill because he reached his magical pitch count limit. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the real reason why he got pulled this year as well. This is why I bemoan the use of sabermetrics, because you end up with decisions like this. (I’m not against the use of

Can the police PLEASE start profiling people who own cars like that? There’s somebody in our town who has their car and lawn covered with signs like that I wouldn’t be surprised if they would do something similar.

Any close-ups of the stickers on his van?  I bet they make for interesting reading.

He really does think he’s the victim, that he did nothing wrong, that she’s just vengeful, that he’s being magnanimous in giving her what she wants.

Northeast DC isn’t exactly the safest of areas in DC. I had a monk at college who said that one time while at the WTU (which is right next to CU) he was followed by an individual...until he dropped half a baseball bat down the sleeve of his habit and was immediately left alone. However....

Yeah. High profile domestic violence case, and apparently justice was done. But...

He literally does this ALL THE TIME!  How is this even a story?

That’s some hot instant oatmeal there

Ever since the Super Bowl halftime show has stopped trotting out geezers to perform, I’ve had no qualms about any of their acts.  And I’ll admit to liking Coldplay, and getting Beyonce to perform with them was a brilliant move.  After all, Jay-Z had performed on one of their songs a few years prior.  This one, Maroon

What? Does he have to bite somebody to get himself ejected and banned?

I thought they started blowing it up when they traded Kahlil Mack.

Besides deviating from the Disney animated movie, The Jungle Book also benefited from having Jon Favruae (or however you spell his name) as the director.  Sure, Brannagh did Cinderella, and I think in terms of cinemetagrophy he is brilliant, but there isn’t much to bring to the film if it’s simply a straight turning

Fuck.  Ok, so here’s the thing.  I have quite a bit of knowledge of the Civil War and, damn it, Robert E. Lee WAS a great general.  In terms of strategy, he probably was the best officer on either side.  But, he played for the South, and as much as it pains me being a Virginian, you can’t praise Robert E. Lee.  You