KrautMcFriend: Bow of Souls

Well, if there's one genre that *does* prove to be golden for touch screen devices like phones and tablets, it is tower defense. And as someone who is strict in regards to comedies, I even loved Old School. That was one damn funny movie!

Obviously not a lot, thus why they do it. I'm not saying I like it, or condone it, or even would have the same practices if I owned Nintendo, but there you go.

Hmmmm. I have never heard anything but great things about Steam. So you can't exit the client to play the games? Such as if you had the game on a disc/console, or on your HDD of your PC? That does sound like it could be a little frustrating. I don't PC game (though I respect it, just don't for whatever reason).

Well, if you don't like a game or series, it's okay. It's subjective. What I *can* tell you, is that Ocarina of Time is arguably (this is the critics thoughts and overall gamers) one of the best games of all time. It's magical — honestly. When I was 17, it came out. To see a character grow up throughout the game was

I know! I guess that I had yet to see that article by Kotaku, before I read the one about Windwaker....I am soooooooooooooooo happy.

Try reading my other comments within my first post there buddy. And there's a great logical reason, they are a business, not a charity.

I'm sorry, but all we are doing is arguing subjective points. Which, is really why I'm posting to such comments to begin with.

Same here. I love my Wii U, already more than I ever did my Wii (though I did enjoy that system), but this? This is glorious? I've never played this installment of the Zelda series. My body is ready...I think.

Right, because the Halo franchise and others aren't the same way. No one is putting a gun up to your head and forcing you to buy such systems, and of course, there are 3rd party games also. Heck, most of the games I play for my Wii U aren't 1st party.

There have been new installments of Mario and Zelda games, left and right for I don't know how long then. In addition, this is what Nintendo does...in addition to new installments.

Wait, what news?

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. WOW. I just creamed my pants.

God. I feel stupid. You know what? I juuuuuust pre-0rdered a spankin' brand new white PS3, for I need a larger HD. I am going from a 160GB to a 500GB, for PSN+ rocks my world with games.

Yeah, you make a solid point. Hopefully Nintendo will do the right thing and do so. A lot of people on Kotaku, for whatever reason, think that when I pose a question, that means I believe or back the current policy or whatever I'm discussing.

Good point, never though of that. Again - I think it would be great if they allowed this, but not surprised they don't.

Great point!

You're stating your reply like a little smart ass child, and also like I didn't state it wouldn't be great if we *could* do so. Try again.

This is great. I will take it. But, since this is Kotaku, and we love to whine about our first world problems, I would rather have access to games from the Game Cube console. I have yet to play Legend of Zelda: Windwaker and others from that system. I never owned a Game Cube, and regret it to this day.

So if you buy Windows 8 for your home PC, should you be able to install it on your laptop also? It's software. That's how it works. I dare say you should be able to, but it would be nice, I agree.

It's also in white — wait a bit, and there's a good chance that these colors will come over seas also. I just pre-ordered my Crystal White PS3.