KrautMcFriend: Bow of Souls

I love how most of it is a great video, yet they decided to focus on the girl with her God damn cell phone twice, for really no reason at all. I love how no matter what, no matter the situation or the event (such as a movie), there's always some person that just has to be on their fucking cell phone. Man, people are

In that video it's really, really sunny.

So you see people, and narrow them down only by their race? Wow.

Well here's something that you don't want to take to your job to put in your office, cubicle etc., but yet —— even if you keep it at home with your other random game nerd items, you still come off as some disturbed.

And that's what should be done. The 3DS was a little shaky regarding hardware (IMO - have to put that, for Kotaku readers take subjective as objective), but the 3DS XL is incredible - it corrects the sloppy 3DS slider, the small screen, and improves the 3D aspect like none other. Not to mention it has a nice uniform

Awful list because you don't agree with one team? Awful post - you sir, are mildly retarded.

Awful list because you don't agree with one team? Awful post - you sir, are mildly retarded.

Well, yes and no. It's got a hinge that doesn't pop and crack, and wiggle —— much like the 3DS. It also doesn't have a flimsy 3D slider and that horrible odd/weird layering design is gone —— the one that made the first have uneven edges and just made it look cheap and shitty. Oh - and better battery life....

Here we go!

Here we go!

Here we go!

It's just one game. You would cancel such a love for a special edition console due to that - hmmmmmmm...can't take you seriously.

Yeah. I loved Family Guy during the first 3-4 seasons - I still watch it, but earlier (IMO) is better. I even like American Dad - in fact, it seems like the later seasons are better than the first? But The Cleveland Show is just horrible. I think it's because it's so contrived —- there was never really a "need" or

Then go play one.

You are either mildly retarded, or haven't bothered comparing the two. I am guessing the answer is BOTH.

For the same reason they put out the XL —— Dude.

No one is getting "Upset" —- gamers are just wanting this version to be the XL, for the 3DS, compared to it, is really lacking in so many areas. Screen size, hardware, etc. There's a huge difference between passion and being upset...you must not know Jason very well —- at all.

Yeah. Bill Mitchell is a *huge* jerky —- and very shady.

Well yes, based on Microsoft's history it is - but maybe that's due to the quality of their hardware. Of course, I doubt Valve is planning on making a console that releases with a 50% or so, failure rate. I've owned so many Nintendo, Sega and Playstation consoles, that I can't count. But one thing I didn't experience

SNL is a live show though - with skits. That's like stating the evening news or David Letterman. Those shows have the ability to change because they can do anything they want, or the content they have changes for them, depending on the day, month or even year.