Donnie Brisket

Who are you Whitney Kimball? And how are you accomplishing the magic of posting for Californians, Oregonians, Washintonians, and Hawaiians? Thank you!

If you support sharia law, I don’t give a fuck whether you’re a terrorist or not. You still need to get the fuck out of civilized society. Fuck you.

Yes, “blind” a noun meaning you couldn’t find your own asshole with two hands and a flashlight.

You’re either ignorant or a troll. Likely both. Bye Felicia.

I think you may be blind if you found that when you examined the elephant. Perhaps willfully, but blind as a bat none the less. Try again.

Cheeto Hitler

Imagine Salem Media converting all their sites into operatives seeking to take down a Democrat ruler like Obama or Hillary. How far away would the shrieks of outrage be heard - Pluto, the next galaxy over or the far side of the Universe?

This is where collectivist thinking and identity politics gets you: people who are so intellectually stunted that they see themselves and others as nothing but herd members instead of individuals.

Its not about being able to sue or not sue. Completely irrelevant.

I mean AJ Daulerio was an innocent bystander just publishing what the world needed to see. Gawker Media should be proud he wouldn’t take down that video of the girl being sexually assaulted! They should be even prouder that they made money off of it!

Colin Trapernick