
Well, no shit...

There is a sequel


The reference was from blood

That art is fucking fantastic. Dissappointing that I can’t watch all of it.

King’s quest, megaman, and mario

Sorry meant to reply to the writer if the review.

I approached the game the way you did in your second play through. This is exactly what I was hoping the gane to be. Pure meditative zen. it calms my nerves while I mindlessly explore and take in the sights. I’m 40+ hours in and I don’t care about reaching the center of the universe at all and I don’t care one bit.



Well, you sound annoying already.

It’s disappointing that you can’t see others, but signs would be an awesome addidtion.

Well, that was pointless.

This is the probBly the dumbest article I have ever read.

Dumb dumb dumb

You guys are missing the point... These pieces of shit are pretending they just use the site and luring people in with their streams, making it look like they are winning a bunch of money, when in fact, they actually own the damn gambling site.