It would be nice if you just went away.
It would be nice if you just went away.
You sound exceptionally ignorant on this topic but that is your right and privelege. I doubt anyone who does have even a basic grasp of the situation wants to waste time with you; we’ve all encountered clueless blowhards in our travels and you’re really just a sideshow that most of us will ignore.
Any large unidentified mass is going to catch the eye of person operating the x-ray machine, whether it’s a bag of coffee, a bag of M&Ms, a slab of fudge, or hunk of cheddar cheese. To the x-ray operator, a bag of coffee is an unrecognizable powdery substance, not something whose smell is meant to mask anything. A mass…
Preventing a highly contagious & potentially deadly disease from spreading by mandating a vaccine is what I want the government to do. It's their job to ensure the safety of the general public.
I’m definitely older than most of the people I work with. Many of them find it hilarious that I rent DVDs from my library in order to watch TV shows & movies. Additionally, I listen to CDs!
This entire article ignores the fact that Halloween is a children’s holiday and candy is manufactured to satisfy a child’s palate. Grow up, already!
I didn’t find this slideshow format annoying at all. It was entertaining and informative and much more accessible than this book you’re touting.
I was disappointed and sort of forgot it after a few weeks. Unnecessary and uninspired.
You should have kicked the kid in the ass and told his parent to keep their stupid kid under control. Now this kid knows you’re weak & passive & will continue to behave in this way.
17-year old women are not children. Around the world (and here in the USA) they’re moms and wives. It’s been this way for thousands of years. Sure, society today might frown upon this but for many people, it’s not that big of a deal. You can pretend that something significant happens on a person’s 18th birthday that…
Really? I’m sure you’ve had home-cooked Swedish meatballs and yet you still eat IKEA’s? Hmmm.
I like to cook and my Swedish meatballs are so much better than the ones they sell at IKEA.
I was 12 when the Manson family was doing their thing and OUAT resonated strongly with me. The dread and anticipation was chilling, knowing what actually did happen, while wondering how QT was going to handle it. The movie was visually stunning, the dialogue was crisp, and the music was perfect. I would gladly watched…
I haven’t met anyone who hates OUAT; I thought it was wonderful. The conversation I’m reading here is about the hate for The Hateful 8, my least favorite QT film.
I generally move mine into a sealable jar (I tend to save them and label them because they look nicer on my shelves than cardboard boxes.) I can’t ever recall an instance where I had a problem with with stale/expired baking soda.
I’ve met quite a few celebrities in the last 40 years and never once felt compelled to ask for an autograph. Eye contact and a “Hey, how ya doin?” is all I’ve ever needed. A few months ago I met Bruce Dern at JFK and we had a nice chat. He talked about his infamy because of the time he killed John Wayne. It was a…
I was a school teacher and saw a lot of disparity in adolescents as they went through high school, lots of posturing by children determined to look like they were adults. Some of them matured more rapidly than others but I firmly believe that the vast majority of 19-year-olds are not mentally prepared to make big…
That time is rarely at 19 years old. You’re making some huge leaps here by assuming she had her $hit together when she was still in her teens and that she had what it took to verbally spar on TV with Letterman. You also seem very closed to anyone who disagrees with you.
I read a lot, mostly novels, and until my library closed because of the pandemic, I read actual books. I commute by subway and I get a lot of reading done in the bus and on the train. I’ve been using my Amazon Fire tablet for reading and it’s not bad. It’s about 8 x 5 and battery life isn’t bad. It turns the page…
I read a lot, mostly novels, and until my library closed because of the pandemic, I read actual books. I commute by…
I’m all for voiding convictions, etc., but legally prioritizing people with black/brown skin while perpetrating the myth that “hipster whites” are the enemy is the kind of thinking that will go nowhere. You are assuming the same prejudices and stereotypes that caused all of our problems in the first places. It’s time…